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The hard water fish just won't live as long as they would in hard water. This is what we mean when we say don't trust anything a shop worker says.

Do you know the species of rainbowfish? I can recognise a couple of species, and yours are neither of them. And how many did you get as they are shoaling fish?
Never listen to store staff when selecting fish. There are very few who know anything about it.

What is the tank size, both volume and length/width?

What fish species and how many of each?
I guess I’m just going to have to learn from it.

I don’t know if you can really take fish back, would they even accept them?

There are

12 cardinal tetras
4 rummy nose tetras
2 Halloween Mollies
4 platties
2 rainbow fish

Never listen to store staff when selecting fish. There are very few who know anything about it.

What is the tank size, both volume and length/width?

What fish species and how many of each?

See above on fish
I guess I’m just going to have to learn from it.

I don’t know if you can really take fish back, would they even accept them?

There are

12 cardinal tetras
4 rummy nose tetras
2 Halloween Mollies
4 platties
2 rainbow fish

You can always call them and say you've done more research and xyz fish isn't suitable for your parameters so you want to return it and see what they say.
And you could say that you should not have been sold mollies and platies if you have soft water, especially mollies, and that you should not have been sold only 2 rainbows as I believe they need a slightly larger group with each other, and also you could say that them selling you 4 rummy nose is less than idea when you need 6 or 8 ideally.

How soft is your water James? This also happened to @Mathew1991 with the mollies

But these people are salesman and like you walking into a used car shop.
I would definitely give them a ring and ask if they'll exchange the platies, mollies and rainbows for more rummy nose. Few shops will refund money but many will part-ex fish for other fish or dry goods.
I'll see if I can find it.........

Got it

2.03 Clarke converts to 1.6 dH and 29 ppm.

They sold you mollies which need at least 250 ppm :blink:
Absolutely bizarre...I've heard good things about Pier Aquatics too so it's disappointing to say the least
Okay so I have just phoned them.

I asked them if I could exchange them and they seemed quite reluctant.

I explained about how soft my water is and she asked me to hold. After a moment or so, she came back on the phone and said “the manager has said they are all commercial bread and will be absolutely fine”

I then explained about that I’m on a forum and have done some research, she then said

“Im going down the wrong route if I’m going to start listening to people on forums” which I was a bit surprised with, anyway, after me being a bit more pushy she went back to the manager and said on this one occasion they will swap them.

They asked if I could do it sooner rather than later.

@Essjay @CaptainBarnicles @AlexT @Lcc86
Even if they are commercially toasted (sorry couldn't help myself picking on your spelling errors 😅) sounds like it would be best to take them back and swap them for something else :)
Im sad about the ones that are going back but I guess its for the best. On a serious note, how quickly do I need to do this? The issue I have is that I can only really go at the weekend, however if this is an urgent thing I may have to take half a day off work

I already have 4 Rummie Nose tetras, so how many additional more?
Can anyone give me any names of fish that would go happily in my tank with soft water?

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