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Okay so I have just phoned them.

I asked them if I could exchange them and they seemed quite reluctant.

I explained about how soft my water is and she asked me to hold. After a moment or so, she came back on the phone and said “the manager has said they are all commercial bread and will be absolutely fine”

I then explained about that I’m on a forum and have done some research, she then said

“Im going down the wrong route if I’m going to start listening to people on forums” which I was a bit surprised with, anyway, after me being a bit more pushy she went back to the manager and said on this one occasion they will swap them.

They asked if I could do it sooner rather than later.

@Essjay @CaptainBarnicles @AlexT @Lcc86
Sounds about right, they'll say anything to get away with this nonsense! Take them back as soon as you can, definitely get more rummynose as they like to be in big groups as well like the cardinals.

My advice would be to do the swap and then allow yourself firstly, to get over the drama and disappointment but secondly to do some more research for yourself and really have a think about what fish you like. This is actually a great opportunity for that, the tetras will do their thing and the plants will be busy growing in so by the time you've made some decisions your tank will be well conditioned for those honey gouramis you were thinking about or maybe dwarf cichlids etc?

Trust me, most of us have been where you are right now. Doubting yourself and us here on the forum, surely these people in the shop know what they're doing?? A simple Google search will give you confirmation that they got it very wrong and give you the confidence you need to trust us here and stay on the RIGHT route!
Okay so I have just phoned them.

I asked them if I could exchange them and they seemed quite reluctant.

I explained about how soft my water is and she asked me to hold. After a moment or so, she came back on the phone and said “the manager has said they are all commercial bread and will be absolutely fine”
What they do not grasp or do not want to grasp is that a fish can be bred and raised in fairy washing up liquid, it still doesn't change the fish's basic biology. Commercially bred does not change evolution unfortunately for fish/aquatic sales shops. Mollies have a biology that cannot thrive or even sometimes live in soft water. We are talking about the fish's kidneys and other internal organs. @Byron can explain better than me. When this happens, their immune systems at best don't work properly, and at worst will begin to fail.

This must be stressful for you, and you have the right thing since day 1. It will sort itself out, and you WILL get to enjoy all your hard work and this hobby.
Take them back as soon as you can. Next weekend is OK, it's not urgent enough to take time off work.

The first thing I would do is get more rummy noses. Then look round the shop to see which fish catch your eye, make a note of them then look them up on Seriously Fish and/or Fishbase. (Fishbase doesn't always give hardness ranges, but for those fish it does, they will be accurate)
The issue is, is that I have a wedding on Saturday that starts at 11 and then Sunday im going to be in no fit state! I also have some holidays to take too and its playing on my mind. So im going to take half a day tomorrow. I would like to ideally get a few others whilst im there tomorrow. (rather than go back again) in another week, as its about an hour and a half round trip.
How many rummy nose is the correct amount... say "at least" ?
At least 10.

Can you search for any fish on those websites (Seriously Fish, Fishbase) while you are there? I'm assuming you have a smart phone......
Possibly, I was a bit put off by them messing the tank up at the bottom. Do they like to be in big groups?
I believe they do like to be in larger groups, there is also the smaller Pygmy ones but might be best checking with one of the more experienced members on TFF for their suitability.
At least 10.

Can you search for any fish on those websites (Seriously Fish, Fishbase) while you are there? I'm assuming you have a smart phone......
technically yeah, i can do, i would prefer to know what im getting before hand though, its not ideal for reception and can take up some time when looking.

Ok I will probably get another 8 to go with my 4. They have been the most timid in the tank, always hiding, is this because the are scared?
Iv got tomorrow afternoon of so im going back tomorrow.

So the Halloween Mollies, the platties and the rainbow fish?
They have been the most timid in the tank, always hiding, is this because the are scared?
Iv got tomorrow afternoon of so im going back tomorrow.

So the Halloween Mollies, the platties and the rainbow fish?
Yes, they feel safer in numbers. You'll notice a huge difference when you get a big group.

And yes, mollys platys and rainbows have got to go back
Okay, well the afternoon is booked of so I will take them back :( I am sad but I know its for the best.

I have been having a look around on Simply fish and its quite tricky, there so so so many fish and its hard because I dont really know what any of them are called, so im not sure were to start. After half an hour and getting nowere really this is something that i need to have information to hand before I go there,

My goal with this was to have a "colourful" tank. Im not great on the internet with stuff like this (i think thats why i keep asking for potential fish )

What level of harness can I go from and too??
I wouldn't rush into getting anything tomorrow when you get the others back unless you're able to do lots of research overnight, you don't want to feel pressured.

Cories do sift through sand but they're not messy, I also have pygmies as well and neither groups make much of a mess.
I thought that "soft water" was the one everyone wanted, / most options or have I just been really unlucky in the 3 breeds I have chosen all being hard water?
Dwarf gourami - cant find info on seriouslyfish
Rosy Barb 90-357
German Blue Ram - cant find info on seriouslyfish
Ok let me help...give me a sec...

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