New to the forum

I agree with other members here. Research and ask us before you acquire.
Yes please that’s basically what I’m after… a list of about 10 fish that I can put in the tank,
That I can go to pier aquatics with and know what I’m going in for.

Every time I look I’m just sort of guessing, also the browser I use keeps crashing on seriously fish
Apistogramma cockatoo...
Emerald wanted colour, but there are many you could choose from

This is good and very helpful, I’m making notes of all these fish, hopefully they will have them
In stock!
I'll keep looking for you, other members may pitch in too. The photos on seriously fish are not always the best at showcasing the fish so you may want to Google the fish after looking at the links to see more photos
Just bear in mind that you can only have one type of dwarf cichlid...either a male on his own or a bonded pair if the shop has any. Barbs need to be in a group, you've got (or will have) 2 big groups of you may not want barbs as well? Corys, again, big group...but they will occupy the bottom of the tank
Yes please that’s basically what I’m after… a list of about 10 fish that I can put in the tank,
That I can go to pier aquatics with and know what I’m going in for.

Every time I look I’m just sort of guessing, also the browser I use keeps crashing on seriously fish

This is not a good plan. A better one would be to visit the fish store, look at the fish, and write down the name(s) of any you really like. Sometimes you can gt the scientific name which is always better to avoid uncertainty; the store will usually have this on their invoice and it is not secret so they can show you. Then come home and research the species, and ask us. All before you acquire any fish.

As others have said, you cannot rely on anything the store tells you. And acquiring fish and having to return them is hard on the fish, and you.

When you research fish, there are certain factors you need to know. Water parameters, especially GH and temperature--earlier you mentioned blue rams, they need warmth at 29-30C which will burn out cories who need it around 24-25C max.. How many of the species if it is a shoaling/schooling; this can vary among species--rummynose for example are much healthier with 12 than with 8 or 9. Whereas other tetras might be OK with 9 or 10. Habitat needs--does the fish need wood, or rock, or plants, or strong currents, or weak currents? How active is the fish--active swimmers can really impact sedate fish, leading to more health issues. What is the species temperament like--a fish that nips the tails of other fish is not going to work. It's a lot to have to check, but it is critical to do so, and members here will always help you.
There’s so much involved and I generally think that the majority of people who buy fish just buy them and put them in water. Im very patient and 35 years old, but there’s no way kids would do this, there sadly must be millions of fish in poor environments. Okay then, that’s what I shall do, I will take back the fish and swap them for 8 rummies

So I will have 12 cardinal and 12 rummies.
(I think that will be enough for “big groups”)

I will take pen and paper and write down a list of everything I like, then come back and post the list.

Also a thought that came to me, how do we know exactly what softness my water is ?
There’s so much involved and I generally think that the majority of people who buy fish just buy them and put them in water. Im very patient and 35 years old, but there’s no way kids would do this, there sadly must be millions of fish in poor environments. Okay then, that’s what I shall do, I will take back the fish and swap them for 8 rummies

So I will have 12 cardinal and 12 rummies.
(I think that will be enough for “big groups”)

I will take pen and paper and write down a list of everything I like, then come back and post the list.

Also a thought that came to me, how do we know exactly what softness my water is ?

Somewhere in this or another thread I though @Essjay had searched and found the GH. I cannot remember the exact number, you should write it down.
1.6 dH and 29 ppm.
Here is your hardness, make a note of it 👍🏻 the shop won't have these figures included with their stock but Seriously Fish will when you get home to research the fish you liked the look of. Don't go to the website directly, type into the Google search bar the name of whatever followed by 'seriously fish'. Then the page you want will come up

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