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Panda Garra would the be suitable with the fish I already have @Essjay (including the cherry shrimps) they look nice @jaylach
I'm not saying to get Pandas as I don't advocate getting fish to solve an issue. I'm just saying that they are a peaceful and active fish that scarfs down algae if you are looking to get more stock they are something to consider and check out.

Currently I have 11 runny nose tetras, 11 cardinal Tetras 3 honey gourami and 2 apisto cichilids

I am about to purchase 6 cherry shrimp


I’m always looking for new breeds, it’s been a struggle to find compatible ones.

I’m always looking for new breeds, it’s been a struggle to find compatible ones.
Well then, as long as they would fit your water conditions, Panda Garras are awesome although they can almost be too human friendly. They have zero fear and will climb around on your hand when you are trying to do maintenance. ;) It's pretty cool actually. :) Just don't get to control algae. Get because you like and they fit your conditions. Also keep in mind that they are VERY active and playful and, while they love algae, they also need protein. They tend to go nuts over Hikari small sinking carnivore pellets although, since they are not at all picky, probably any good quality protein sinking pellets would work. Floating food isn't really good as they are suckers/raspers and surface food is a bit difficult. Below is an image of one on my hand and a view of their mouth structure. While not totally necessary I would also recommend some wood and a population of at least three as they like to chase each other. Sometimes it looks like they are fighting but they are not. they are just extremely playful.

I'm not going to sift through all the posts to find your tank size which I can't remember but they require a minimum of a 20 gallon tank for 3-4 fish Their maximum size is 2.5-3 inches. Here is a pretty fair article on them although, in one section, the stated size is 3.5 inches which may be possible but rare. In another section it gives the correct size.

Oh, a couple of important notes!
Pandas are quite nitrate sensitive and a level of 20 or higher PPM can be fatal although nitrates should be kept under 20 PPM in any case. Also, since they are very peaceful fish they do try to interact with other fish. Due to this aggressive cichlids could possibly be a danger but they are VERY fast and would be hard for a cichlid to damage but still possible. The issue here is that they pretty much have no natural predators so have no fear of anything.

I also recommend feeding freeze dried tubifex worms a couple of times a week as a protein source. These worms come in a pressed cube form. Break off a piece and press against the inside glass and it will stick. The Pandas will totally swarm on the worms sending small pieces into the water column that other fish will eat.

Some broad leaf plants are also good. Pandas WILL sometimes have territory disputes where it is mostly just pushing around with one trying to move the other out of the area with no actual damage. Broad leaf plants give an area for the loser to hang out and rest. Pandas also like broad leaf plants as they use the leaves to rest on sort of like you might use a hammock.

Panda Garra on hand-small.jpg

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Thank you for all the information @jaylach

The tank size I have is 100x40x40cm at 160 litres.
I like the look of the fish, it says on seriously fish that the require between 36 and 215 hardness.
Would these suit my community @Essjay
Including living with the cherry shrimps?

@jaylach has explained how playful they can be, would they be a bit of a danger to the small cherry shrimp?
Thank you for all the information @jaylach

The tank size I have is 100x40x40cm at 160 litres.
I like the look of the fish, it says on seriously fish that the require between 36 and 215 hardness.
Would these suit my community @Essjay
Including living with the cherry shrimps?

@jaylach has explained how playful they can be, would they be a bit of a danger to the small cherry shrimp?
I can't comment as to the shrimp. I've never kept shrimp with or without Pandas.

I can make one more comment on Pandas though. Without a doubt they require a covered tank. They use their mouths to climb around such as does a pleco. Problem is that they are so curious that they are likely to climb out of an uncovered tank just to explore.
I wouldn't add any more species. The only thing I would add is a few more of each tetra species.
I wouldn't add any more species. The only thing I would add is a few more of each tetra species.

11 rummy nose
11 cardinal tetra
3 honey gourami
2 umberella cichlid

Then I was going for 1 more this Sunday
(Either the shrimps or the corydorus)

Are you advising against this? I thought 5 was ok ?
You'll find fish keepers fall into two categories.
Minimum numbers of lots of species
Lots of fish of a few species.

I used to be in the first group, I'm now definitely in the second. In my 180 litre tank, I have 2 species of shoaling fish with a few odd elderly fish left over from previous shoals plus one last remaining pearl gourami, amano shimps and nerites. If this was my tank I'd get more of both tetras rather than another species.
That's why I said I wouldn't get another species.
Lots of fish, few species for me too. Cherry shrimp will just be cichlid food in my opinion, amano shrimp would fair better as they grow bigger, live longer and won't reproduce

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