new to fish - but they keep dieing


New Member
Aug 16, 2004
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Okay I got 75 Litre tank about 6 months ago

Over a month, getting the water tested we raised the fish numbers to 5 Tiger Barbs, and 2 Opaline Gouramis

All is fine for the first month. Then added 4 baby Moss Barbs and another Opaline Gourami

After about 1 week later, we noticed 1 moss barb drifting side to side instead of swiming. Next morning he died, next day the same thing, another moss barb drifting side to side, next day he died too. Went back to the lfs, and the guy said if it was something in the tank all his moss barbs would be dead too... anyway by the end of the week the remaining two moss barbs died.

Now one of our tiger barbs got a growth on his head, looked like a pimple, a big white bit. Asked the lfs, could be a tumor, could be fungi, treat with melafix (said it is good thing to do okay). He died 1 week later, some time later another barb died (red gills, looks sick... dies). Overnight an Opaline Gourami dies suddenly (a large one, old age maybe).

Eventually things stablised, e.g. 2 months with no deaths, we though good, Restocked our Tiger Barbs back to 5, and added a Peppermint Bristlenosed Cat Fish (beautiful fish) and 3 Dwarf Gouramis

So the tank was looking beautiful with
5 Tiger Barbs, 2 Opaline Gouramis, 3 Dwarf Gouramis, 1 Peppermint Bristlenosed

In the last month 2 barbs die, 1 dwarf decided to stop swiming and has since died! I've had enough with the death. The other 2 dwarfs seem to be growing bumps, starts white and then red stuff comes out. I know they will be dead by the end of the week. I don't have the heart to put them out of there misery.

Is the normal life of a fish owner? I get the feeling that barbs die quickly (e.g. small active fish) But the dwarfs Gourami? I don't want my peppermint to die or my opalines but I think it's a matter of time.

Ya know what? Your in the same situation as me. My fish just die out of no where. Now I have 2 inactive neon tetras and I feel they are soon to die also. Is it because I bought my fish at petsmart? I have had 4 fish die in 2 days now. Help me out here!
i may be able to help you your fish may be suffering SWIMBLADDER LOSS this causes the fish to swim upside down side to sid ect ect you can treat this but it is hard.
what you have to do is go to your local fish stor and buy some blood worm (LIVE) and put some in your hand then go up to the fish and make it eat some this should cure the fish.

hope this helps you.

how would feeding bloodworm cure a bacterial or parasitic illness Jimnmy927???

For both citrif, and njtransit21 I suggest you both get some water testing kits. I recommend the 5 in 1 test strips that cover nitrite, nitrate, kh, gh and ph. Also buy a seperate ammonia test kit. Do all of the tests then post the results here. I will keep checking back, and others will see this post and I'm sure once we know what the results are we will be able to help you.

Also what are the sizes of both of your tanks, and the full stock list in each. Plus regularity of water changes, and length of time tank has been established.

With all that info we will be able to either give you some suggestions, or point you in the right direction for further investigation.

Don't lose heart, this isnt the normal life of a fish keeper, you both seem to be having spells of bad luck but we will help you out all we can.

best of luck :nod:
Yes bloodworms wont help :crazy: whoever suggested that.... bloodworms are just healthy and yummy treats
Im guessing you didnt do a fishless cycle. In that case your fish can be suffering ammonia and nitrite poising, because there is a lack of beneficial bacteria. So you should deff. get test kits like what appleblosssom said. Also do water changes and such.
Final Dynazty said:
Im guessing you didnt do a fishless cycle. In that case your fish can be suffering ammonia and nitrite poising, because there is a lack of beneficial bacteria. So you should deff. get test kits like what appleblosssom said. Also do water changes and such.
Thanks for you replies...

I didn't do a fishless cycle, I don't have a test kit, but I have gone about twice a week to get the water checked at the lfs. During the first 4 weeks it was cycling, now they just keep saying the water is fine.

I can understand the initial fish were put under high stress conditions, but the new fish seem to die too

I have been doing a 50% water change every 2 weeks. I think maybe I should be doing a 25% water change every week???

In summary, 75 Litre tank with
3 Tiger Barbs
2 Opaline Gouramis
1 Peppermint Bristlenose catfish
2 Dwarf Gouramis (both with white bumps growing on them)


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