I need your opinion

I will note that over crowding is the fastest way to kill fishes and be aware what we think is over crowding is not always the same thing as the fishes consider as over crowding. In my 29 (the a. wolli tank) i have 9 fishes - 6 small dithers n. marilynae; i would only consider 4 more n. marilynae (these are small fishes - in terms of mass smaller than ember though a bit longer).
in my 20 long i have 13 fishes - 2. a. sp Blutkehl; 7 n. morthenthaleri and 4 generic otto - i consider this fishes marginally over stocked - attached is the male a. sp blutkehl. I do have some denser stockings - my 600 has 13 clown loaches and some other stuff. Anyway one recommendation i do have is don't mix asian with sa fishes - it increases the chances of something going wrong.

Obviously some of the live-bearers will end up fairly dense - when i was in college we had a 20 with a couple of swordtails by the end of the year there must have been 30+ of vairious size swordtails. They appeared incredibly healthy given their numbers - of course most not that large. Guppies been there done that until my brother fed them toothpaste. Happy guppies mean million of guppies.

I will note that over crowding is the fastest way to kill fishes and be aware what we think is over crowding is not always the same thing as the fishes consider as over crowding. In my 29 (the a. wolli tank) i have 9 fishes - 6 small dithers n. marilynae; i would only consider 4 more n. marilynae (these are small fishes - in terms of mass smaller than ember though a bit longer).
in my 20 long i have 13 fishes - 2. a. sp Blutkehl; 7 n. morthenthaleri and 4 generic otto - i consider this fishes marginally over stocked - attached is the male a. sp blutkehl. I do have some denser stockings - my 600 has 13 clown loaches and some other stuff. Anyway one recommendation i do have is don't mix asian with sa fishes - it increases the chances of something going wrong.

Obviously some of the live-bearers will end up fairly dense - when i was in college we had a 20 with a couple of swordtails by the end of the year there must have been 30+ of vairious size swordtails. They appeared incredibly healthy given their numbers - of course most not that large. Guppies been there done that until my brother fed them toothpaste. Happy guppies mean million of guppies.

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Got ya. Im still learning n dealing with stop buying more fish bcause they look cool n cute. Im still learning not to mix diffeent fish just bcause i like their look cause as i learned not all of them like n handle tge same temp or water parameters n not bcause they look cute they will get along n l8ke each other.
Im still a little upset i cant keep angelfish n gouramies together due to their agressivibes toward each other or keeping clown koaches due to their future size pmus theyre hyoer n might stress out other fish or having panda corys bcause they need cooler temp. I would love to have all of them in the same tank but it is impossible.
Just bcause i like it n want em doesnt mean i have to force em not to b happy or die.
They deserve a better life .
Got ya. Im still learning n dealing with stop buying more fish bcause they look cool n cute. Im still learning not to mix diffeent fish just bcause i like their look cause as i learned not all of them like n handle tge same temp or water parameters n not bcause they look cute they will get along n l8ke each other.
Im still a little upset i cant keep angelfish n gouramies together due to their agressivibes toward each other or keeping clown koaches due to their future size pmus theyre hyoer n might stress out other fish or having panda corys bcause they need cooler temp. I would love to have all of them in the same tank but it is impossible.
Just bcause i like it n want em doesnt mean i have to force em not to b happy or die.
They deserve a better life .
While clown loaches are too big there are dwarf loaches (around 2 inches but rather skinny) and zebra loaches (around 4 inches and a bit thicker body); the zebra are very very passive but also out less during the day - dwarf loaches love to swim quite actively to the point of annoying slow moving fishes but are otherwise quite passive. Nearly all loaches should be kept in groups - generally more the better but 6+ is the number usually recommended. There are a few species of loaches that are best kept solo but some of these are quite aggressive.
While clown loaches are too big there are dwarf loaches (around 2 inches but rather skinny) and zebra loaches (around 4 inches and a bit thicker body); the zebra are very very passive but also out less during the day - dwarf loaches love to swim quite actively to the point of annoying slow moving fishes but are otherwise quite passive. Nearly all loaches should be kept in groups - generally more the better but 6+ is the number usually recommended. There are a few species of loaches that are best kept solo but some of these are quite aggressiv

While clown loaches are too big there are dwarf loaches (around 2 inches but rather skinny) and zebra loaches (around 4 inches and a bit thicker body); the zebra are very very passive but also out less during the day - dwarf loaches love to swim quite actively to the point of annoying slow moving fishes but are otherwise quite passive. Nearly all loaches should be kept in groups - generally more the better but 6+ is the number usually recommended. There are a few species of loaches that are best kept solo but some of these are quite aggressive.
While clown loaches are too big there are dwarf loaches (around 2 inches but rather skinny) and zebra loaches (around 4 inches and a bit thicker body); the zebra are very very passive but also out less during the day - dwarf loaches love to swim quite actively to the point of annoying slow moving fishes but are otherwise quite passive. Nearly all loaches should be kept in groups - generally more the better but 6+ is the number usually recommended. There are a few species of loaches that are best kept solo but some of these are quite aggressive.
Well I started fishless cycl8ng my 125 gallons this morning once is fully cycled all the fish from my main tank will come into this one live bearers tetras corys pearn gouramies n i also got 5 yoyo loaches that t waiting in the hospital tank to come into this tank too


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What size is the tank and how do you know the water parameters are ok ? How long were the fishes in the aquarium before they started dying ? Did you add anything a day or two before they started dying (new fish, hard scape, new food, ...) ? How long has the aquarium been setup ?
I apologize for my writting mistakes i use my cellphone as my computer n i have a small keyboard n chubby fingers. My fingers many times hit the wrong key

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