New Starter

Think ive asked before, but can you have x 2 blood shrimps + x 2 peppermints in the same tank.

Anyone know if halloween hermit crabs are ok?

I can only go by my own experience, but my Halloween Crab is fine. They can knock things over/move things if they are small and unsecured.
Made a bit of progress today:

Got the RO water + Salifert test kits arrived!!

So, I have just done a water change and will retest using new kits tomorrow.

Quite hard lugging so much water up and over a tank during refill :sick: , and the water has a lot of debris floating round now. Is this normal, and why are the aquariums in the LFS crystal clear all the time - even in pure LR tanks??


yes, all normal - lfs don't usually have sand in their stock tanks and their display tanks have had time to settle :good:

And yes, halloween crabs are fine

I have 2 x bloods and 2 x peppermints (they all have their own little areas) as I think does Tina

Seffie x

Just retested using salifert

ammonia Less than 0.25
nitrate 5

nitrite 0.1

mixed bag there I think?

Could ro water I used be moving the trates and trites up?

Maybe the different test kits?

I want more lr as I have room for more (about 5 kg) Is it unwise to add it at this point in the cycle?

Finally, are blue knuckle hermits ok? I read they kill snails for their shells? Thought they were peaceful? Should I buy some extra shells incase they want to move home? Where do you get them?

Yes, test the water before putting it in your tank :good:

A good water change should get those figures down, although didn't expect to still be seeing the ammonia - no worries though. Test your shop water, do a water change and then test the tank, lets see what we get :good:

Blue legs are hard workers but yes if there are no other shells in the tank he will just take someone elses!!

I can't remember how much live rock you have, but if you add some more now and unless it is fully mature (out of a reefers tank), kept in water for journey and journey is short you will get a mini cycle. However if you are going to do it, now is the time before adding any livestock

Seffie x

Im trying to upload a pic of the tank, but having no luck. I cant get the image <100k. How have other people managed to get pics over? Ive tried zipping the file, editing it, but 240k is the smallest I can get it.

Also any views on the following:

Is it worth investing in an external filter to assist with the cleaning of the tank. Im thinking one of those canister types. Something small and quiet that can fit on the floor behind the stand. Any reccomendations?

When I got my LR, I bought some stick type (cant remember what it was called, but it was expensive @£17.99 per kilo!!). Im worried that bits of it are grey in colour, almost like cement (but obviously with lots of the little calcium bubble holes in it) Does this mean bits of it are dead, or is that ok?

I went a new LFS today and noticed their LR had lots of things growing on it. Mine seems to be quite boring at the mo - I guess if I bought it fully cured then all the little creatures etc would have moved out? Does LR change over time?

Im trying to upload a pic of the tank, but having no luck. I cant get the image <100k. How have other people managed to get pics over? Ive tried zipping the file, editing it, but 240k is the smallest I can get it.

Get yourself a photo bucket account, it's what most of us use and its free - just upload your images and then copy and paste the bottom code that appears under the photo and bingo

Also any views on the following:

Is it worth investing in an external filter to assist with the cleaning of the tank. Im thinking one of those canister types. Something small and quiet that can fit on the floor behind the stand. Any reccomendations?

No not really, why do you think you need one?

When I got my LR, I bought some stick type (cant remember what it was called, but it was expensive @£17.99 per kilo!!). Im worried that bits of it are grey in colour, almost like cement (but obviously with lots of the little calcium bubble holes in it) Does this mean bits of it are dead, or is that ok?

Tonga branch - nice, get your phot bucket account and post us a picture so we can better tell

I went a new LFS today and noticed their LR had lots of things growing on it. Mine seems to be quite boring at the mo - I guess if I bought it fully cured then all the little creatures etc would have moved out? Does LR change over time?

Live rock changes over time, some lr is better than others, be patient :good:


Seffie x


Let me know if this works.

Im not planning on keeping the temp / salt gage on the front - its just there until the tank settles and whilst I am keeping a close eye on things in the first few weeks.

Ive tried to hide the powerhead with the LR.

When I can get some coral etc, there is plenty of LR surface to attach them to, so things should look better as the tank develops.

What do you lot think?

Yes Neal that works, however if you copy and paste the IMG link that will appear if you hover below the picture the picture will appear in the post

Ok, looks like you have some nice tonga branch rock there, the problem is it's not very good for the main display as you tend to want to have more of a rock type structure for the filtration and somewhere to place your corals. People usually have a bit of tongan as a feature. How much weight wise do you have there?

Seffie x


ps can i also suggest you ditch that hydrometer and get yourself a refractometer :good: + angle your powerhead forwards so that the flow bounces off the front glass back on to the rock
There's about 15 kg in there and another 3kg rubble in the back. There is rock at the centre of the tank and I've just used the branch at the sides.

Ref the powerhead, why do you say point at the glass? I have read conflicting views on this - some saying point at the LR.??
If stocked with sps they need this direct flow, by bouncing it off the glass this not only spreads out the flow but will stop softies, etc geeting blown off the rock..Looking well but would try to set rocks at more of a slope or in steps as it will be hard to attach your corals to a straight vertical face....some lovely branches there too.
Have moved powerhead to point at glass, as best possible with the angle I can get the head at anyway!

Just retested. Everything down to zero apart from trates. I can't understand it. I've lr and cheato yet it's still at .25

I haven't removed the sponge from under the skimmer yet. Could it be that?

Also noticed lots of little see through lice on the sand, loads of them, fighting and err being 'friendly' :wub: What are they? Also lots of things with tentacles darting about the rocks.
I have now moved the sponge from under the skimmer. It was like a brick! Are there any more sponge to be wary of? I've read somewhere there may be more?

Any response on my earlier mail folks?
Just a few things. Did a water change last night, about 35 percent. Just retested and my trates are still .25 and trites have gone up to .5. Why??

Also I just noticed what looked like puffs of smoke going up from the lr. On closer inspection I noticed an ugly little thing, bout 2cm, with tentacles. Resembled a prehistoric hard shelled type minibeast. Anyone idea what the heck it could be, and is it safe??
Nel, am wondering if your cycle has indeed no finished, so lets wait it out for a few days, test again tomorrow and let us know the results :good:

Probably got a bi valve/mollusc type creature in your tank, nothing to worry about :good: I have one in my tank, although YF might have it now :p, to be honest I have no idea who has it, YF or me, but it also used to puff like a chimney :rolleyes: on occasion

Seffie x

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