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Can anyone tell me if milliput is safe? I just used a bit in the tank and it's gone cloudy. I think it is stressing the fish out. I pre mixed it in a separate bucket of ro water, but there still seems to be a lot of milky residue in the tank.

completly safe and usually makes the water go cloudy for a while

seffie x
Hello all

not been on for a while as things have been going well with the tank. Still Reading other posts tho to see what's happening.

The only sad news was my replacement chromis suffered the same fate as the last. I think it's just a case of whatever fish I got next would be that one too many that causes the problem. Since then everything has settled nicely and the tank, fish and corals all seem to be growing and content.

Few things I need some help on...

I have just noticed a hairy little crab living inside the Tongan branch rock. Do I need to get it out or will it be safe?

I have spiders web all over other rock, with what looks like tiny pulsating embryo type things underneath. Almost like small frogspawn cross with jellyfish. Any ideas what it might be?

Hello nel, nice to see you back :good:

sorry about the chromis :sad: but think youy are right, your tank is happy with the stocking level it has

Don't worry about the cobweb type things - there are several worms that do this and they are harmless.

The crab, you will need to give us a bit more detail about claws etc - however google gorilla crab

seffie x
Crab has been dealt with by means of a pair of tweezers.

Had a bit of a worry the last few days as a clown had gone missing. After searching for 3 days, I found him tonight in the return pump compartment!!

I've now caught him and returned to the main tank. Reunited with the other clown, they quickly started the "waggle" dance that they seem to do, it was funny

why do they feel the need to jump over the filter wall??
:lol: think they are nosey parkers :p How did you get the clown out? I had that happen to me a few times, after the first x 2 and standing for ages trying to catch him (and it was always him!) I then started to just fill the tank to the brim and let him swim over and then syphon out the excess water

Seffie x
I just took everything out of that compartment and fished him out with a cupped hand. I think he was happy to get caught. My clowns were tank bred so they are not as skittish as the others.

Question... My mushrooms seem to have been really sulking the last two weeks, after being fine and growing. Any ideas?

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