New Starter

Hell, that stuff is expensive!!

They munched up bribe shrimp before and seem happy. I think they all prefer bite size items, so if the mysis etc isn't almost purified, they tend to ignore it.

Question, are airstones ok for the tank or should you avoid?
In tropical tanks I have had previous, they make a mice feature. I was at my lfs yesterday and they advised against anyway, so I'm going to leave it!

Can someone reccomend a nice yet attractive fish to go with my chromis and clowns. I guess this will be my last fish, so want it to really stand out.....
Fire Fish, Dwarf angel or a nice blenny comes to mind all easy to keep and look good ;)
One of my chromis seems to be out of sorts. It is staying in one place and panting heavily through its gills. It is also off food. :no:

All other fish seem happy - very energetic and eating etc. Water tests are fine.

Any ideas on what could be wrong? Up til yesterday it has been fine (this particular fish).
Just tested. Ammonia and trites at zero. Trates less than 2. I've also pointed spraybar further upwards.

Have a feeling the little blighter is doomed, he isn't any better and are nothing before.

I don't know what it could be?
I am now minus one chromis.

Problem is, I can't get to him as the shrimps have taken him right under my LR display. They are having a big meal. Not nice, but nature I guess.

Will I get ammonia overload if I don't get him, or does it depend on how hungry the shrimps are?
Doubt you will have a problem, the tank inhabitants will make short work of him :sad: but as you say 'nature'

Seffie x
Got my final fish.... A scooter blenny!

Didn't nessecarily go out looking for him, but having watched him for a while in the LFS, I thought they were a fascinating addition;

something different to look at on the bottom of the tank :good:
nice colour patterns :good:
real character :good:
picks up lots of debris from the sand bed :good:
the most incredible dorsal fin when he displays :good: :good:

I have just ordered some Copepods for him, even though he seems to be happy eating any mysis that falls to the bottom.

Do I just put these direct in the tank?

Got my final fish.... A scooter blenny!

I have just ordered some Copepods for him, even though he seems to be happy eating any mysis that falls to the bottom.

Do I just put these direct in the tank?


Hi Nel

Sounds like you have done your h/w on this dragonet - can you add a photo of him to the 'fish of the week' dragonet page please - whilst there take a look at the info on growing your own copepods, you need to set up a culture asap :good:

Put the copepods in at night, when the lights are off and even better when the other fish have gone to bed - that way the copepods will have a chance of getting to cover before all the other fish eat them.

Good luck, it's great that s/he is eating mysis, but remember this is by noway an assurance of survial, they need copepods etc to survive and thrive long term and with the limited rock you have you must set up that culture for any chance of success

Seffie x
One of my clowns has got what looks like a little cauliflower growth near it's gill any idea what it is?

The other has a small cotton wool like tuft on it

both healthy and eating

they also get near each other and start shimmering, are they flirting??
Oh dear, sounds like they both have a bacterial growth commonly called cotton wool fungus

If the fish were tropical fresh water, you would probably treat with malakite green (can never remember how to spell it) but not sure if you can use in marine fish.

Think we need someone with a bit more experience - if you haven't had an answer within 24 hours pm Ski or BigC :good:

Seffie x
Can anyone tell me if milliput is safe? I just used a bit in the tank and it's gone cloudy. I think it is stressing the fish out. I pre mixed it in a separate bucket of ro water, but there still seems to be a lot of milky residue in the tank.

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