Whilst waiting for the cycle I'm thinking about cuc and the shrimps. How many should I buy and what type are best?
Cam diff types co-habit?
When acclaimatising, do you put them all in one bag and then use the drip method, or do you have to do one at a time?
It really all depends on the sg of the lfs and your own, if they are the same and you only have a short journey it is imo better to put them straight in (many would diagree). If the sgs are not the same then drip for a good couple of hours, the more the lfs sg is different from your own the longer they will need - it is well worth finding a lfs that runs their tanks at the same sg as your own or close. most inverts take longer to acclimatise than fish.
You will be looking for approx:
10 nass or a mixture of nass, ceriths and dove - that is what i have
2 turbos - you can buy more as you need them. Try to ensure you know what they look like as many lfs sells astreas (these can't right themselves and so die)
2/4 hermits, i like the blue legs as they are busy little things, the red legs are a bit lazy 
Shrimps - if you intend having corals, don't get the common cleaner, they will climb all over your corals and annoy them. Both Tina and I keep a pair of blood shrimp, they hide away but do a good clean up job, also consider getting a pair of peppermints