Ok, after much hemming and hawing we have decided to keep the two Rainbow fish and return the "sharks". The sharks will be exchanged for additional Rambow fish, most likely with dollars added.
It has been decided the current tank, with a few minor stock changes, will be adequate while the fish grow. While that happens the spare 55-gallon tank will be set up in my office and cycling will begin. This should be adequate according to our research.
The 55 had been intended for summer viewing in the pond house but we have become enamored as usual with the Rainbow. This seems to happen all too often. For the pond house we will watch for a used tank that will be suitable for our purpose.
So, in a little bit I will do a big water change too make catching easier and off to the not so LFS we will go.
Yesterday the last of Linda's many test results were returned, and we had a conference call with her doctor. The doc wants her to see her back surgeon due to the presence of hardware from long ago surgery as a precaution but also says all looks OK. Linda is leaning, against my counsel, toward skipping the ortho fella. She does not like him much.
The main damage is apparently soft tissue damage and one cracked rib. She will be uncomfortable for a while. The head injury is healing nicely and needs no treatment. I will be chief cook and bottle washer for a bit longer.