New Fish Are Dead

One more Neon Tetra left now. Will test the water again tonight. Did notice one little white spot still on the neon. SHould i just treat for Whitespots to be on the safe side and is it ok to treat with all the other treatments i have used.

Will do a water change again on thur and add some more ammo lock and water conditionor. When do i need to add Stress Zyme again.

Also with regards to taking the carbon filter out do i replace that with just another sponge so there will be 2 sponges in the media tray

One more Neon Tetra left now. Will test the water again tonight. Did notice one little white spot still on the neon. SHould i just treat for Whitespots to be on the safe side and is it ok to treat with all the other treatments i have used.

Will do a water change again on thur and add some more ammo lock and water conditionor. When do i need to add Stress Zyme again.

Also with regards to taking the carbon filter out do i replace that with just another sponge so there will be 2 sponges in the media tray


yes replace the carbon with another sponge

i'm really not sure how treating for whitespot would affect the cycle, trying to kill off the white spot bacteria but not the rest could prove tricky :/

this is the danger of cycling with fish.
Any brand of sponge to buy or just any that is the right thicknest.

No more neons tetras in the tank now. one this morning looked a little ill and tonight found him dead so have removed from the tank. The only thing in the tank is the samll bottom feeder fish.

Tested the water again tonight after finding the last neon dead and the Ammonia levels have gone up again. So i have done a water change again and added ammo lock and water conditionr.

Chris :-(

One more Neon Tetra left now. Will test the water again tonight. Did notice one little white spot still on the neon. SHould i just treat for Whitespots to be on the safe side and is it ok to treat with all the other treatments i have used.

Will do a water change again on thur and add some more ammo lock and water conditionor. When do i need to add Stress Zyme again.

Also with regards to taking the carbon filter out do i replace that with just another sponge so there will be 2 sponges in the media tray


yes replace the carbon with another sponge

i'm really not sure how treating for whitespot would affect the cycle, trying to kill off the white spot bacteria but not the rest could prove tricky :/

this is the danger of cycling with fish.
any brnad of sponge is fine, just find one that fits or can easily be cut down to fit.

sorry to hear you've lost all the neons :-(

what is left in the tank now and what are your full tank stats (ammonia, nitrite etc)?
Hi there,

It's a shame about the neons but thats life. You only live and learn once.

The only thing left in the tank is a sucker fish which feeds of the bottom and stuff. He seems to be fine and not affected by anything as he is been in the tank for over a week. Not sure what it is but will try and get a pic if i can.

Am going to test the tank tonight when i get home as i did a water change on wed


any brnad of sponge is fine, just find one that fits or can easily be cut down to fit.

sorry to hear you've lost all the neons :-(

what is left in the tank now and what are your full tank stats (ammonia, nitrite etc)?
he'll be some sort of plec i'm keeping my fingers crossed it's not a common! they get huuuuuuuuuuuuuuge :S

post your stats later
The fish is about 3 to 4cm long and not very big in size. Its a gray coulour with some dark markings on top and white under body.

With regards to the new sponge do i just add this now even with all the problemes i have had or wait

The fish is about 3 to 4cm long and not very big in size. Its a gray coulour with some dark markings on top and white under body.

With regards to the new sponge do i just add this now even with all the problemes i have had or wait


hmmmmm could be a few things, not a common plec though which is good!! they're often sold at just an inch or two long but will get over a foot! it's far to often we see them sold to people with tanks nowhere near big enough for them.

yes just add the sponge straight away :good:
Here is a photo of the fish in the tank and my latest tank stats. I know its not good pic but i tried about 20 times to take the pic and this is the best one.


Also here are my latest tank stats from today:

Temp: 27c

Ammonia Test 1.2 mg/l

Nitrate (No3) 20

Nitrate (No2) 1.0

Total Hardness (GH) 300 (17.0)

Total Alkalinty (KH) 120 (7.0)

PH 7.8

My carbon filter is now out and have reaplced with 2 more small filter foams which i now have 3 filter foams. Cost me £2.50 for 2 but also came with 2 carbon filters for my tank. Should i keep the carbon filters incase i need them

The fish is about 3 to 4cm long and not very big in size. Its a gray coulour with some dark markings on top and white under body.

With regards to the new sponge do i just add this now even with all the problemes i have had or wait


hmmmmm could be a few things, not a common plec though which is good!! they're often sold at just an inch or two long but will get over a foot! it's far to often we see them sold to people with tanks nowhere near big enough for them.

yes just add the sponge straight away :good:
yeah keep the carbon for later use if you need to remove meds. The levels are rather high again, do a water change, to be honest you are going to need to do some kind of change everyday to keep the levels down, or the pleco is probably going to die as well. If you can afford to you could possibly get a small tempory plastic tank or a small clearseal tank with a small heater and put the pleco in there for now, and do large daily water changes that way he's more likely to survive in my opinion, and then your big tank can cycle properly fishless, so you wont need to add ammolock and it will probably be quicker and much less stress for you and the fish! You might find people will disagree with me, but thats what I would do, it wont hurt the pleco to have a small temporary home for a few weeks. You can get 5 gallon tanks for about £6 or a small clearseal one for about £16 and a small heater for about £16, you would then also have it to use as a hospital tank once the big one is cycled.
Do you know when doing water changes on a daily basis do you still need to add the water conditionor when adding new water or just add plain water with nothing else. Am going to do another 50% water change tonight again and add some ammo lock again.

Am i best to add some more Stress Zyme again or not

hi chris.
did you actualy find carbon in this filter, my mum has the same tank and all it has is filter floss and the bio balls no carbon..
yes always use the water conditioner when adding tap water if it was me i wouldnt add the stress zyme anymore, keep dong the water changes and all the readings will come down.
good luck
That fish looks like an Oto from the pic.
It might not be, but I have 3 and look just like that.

Quality fish.

I went through the same thing as you are when first started out. Nightmare it is. I ended up doing a fishless cycle, took about 6 weeks but well worth it.

Good luck.
using ammo lock will give you a false ammonia reading on most (all?) test kits.

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