New Fish Are Dead

Would it best to be 50% or 20% change


you certainly need to test your water for ammonia and nitrite every day, and any day that you get a reading that isn't 0 you need to do a water change.

i personally wouldn't bother with ammo lock.... the bacteria need the ammonia to feed off to grow, not letting them have it by adding something like amm lock is gonna make the bacteria grow slower and make all this carry on longer

depends how often your needing to do them, if your getting results for ammonia and nitrate every day and therefore doing daily changes then keep to 20%

if your only doing them every few days make them a bit bigger :)
My Tank over the last 2 weeks has started to become very dirty as in the plants and the glass on the inside. Including the gravel. I have kept up with the water changes every 2 weeks and also not been feading that much

what should i do

wow this thread back up again :| It could be a algae bloom my tank has had a brown algae bloom from some elodea I bought.... evil stuff....

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