New Fish Are Dead

Latest Tank Stats

Nitrate No3 - 20
Nitrite No2 - 0.5
Total Hardness (GH) - 300 (17.0)
Total Alkalinlty (KH) - 120 (7.0)
PH - 7.2

Ammonia is still around - 1.2 / 2.0 mg/l :-(

it's getting there slowly, i just think there's not enough ammonia being produced (due to the small no of fish) to sustain a big enough colony of filter bacteria to keep the cycle going properly.

You might want to think about getting some mature filter media from someone else, there's a list of members willing to donate in a pinned topic in the beginners forum.

if you replace your filter media with some mature stuff, do a large (50%) water change, then add a few more fish that day. hopefully you should avoid any further cycling and get things back on an even keel.

Hi There,

Would washing my filters in a bucket of water from someones else tank be ok to do or not.

When i do this and carry out a 50% water change what fish am i best to add into the tank and how many. I only have the one bottom feader at the minute.


it's getting there slowly, i just think there's not enough ammonia being produced (due to the small no of fish) to sustain a big enough colony of filter bacteria to keep the cycle going properly.

You might want to think about getting some mature filter media from someone else, there's a list of members willing to donate in a pinned topic in the beginners forum.

if you replace your filter media with some mature stuff, do a large (50%) water change, then add a few more fish that day. hopefully you should avoid any further cycling and get things back on an even keel.

it's the media that contains the bacteria, not the water, you really need to get an actual sponge or something like that from someone's filter.

as it's still dodgy you'll want to only add a few fish and something hardy.

platy's or danio's would probably be your best bet.

My tank stats from today

Nitrate No3 - 20
Nitrite No2 - 0 (Well nearly '0')
Total Hardness (GH) - 150
Total Alkalinlty (KH) - 120
PH - 7.2

Ammonia is still around - 1.2 / 2.0 mg/l Still


it's the media that contains the bacteria, not the water, you really need to get an actual sponge or something like that from someone's filter.

as it's still dodgy you'll want to only add a few fish and something hardy.

platy's or danio's would probably be your best bet.

Hi all,

Got myself 3 danio's today. Did a water change before i got them.

They seem to be very crazy fish as in fast swimming and trying to jump out. They seem to hide alot under the bridge we have in the tank and seem to rest on the bottom under it :D . Is this normal

Hi all,

Just another update.

3 danio's still ok. They seem very active in the tank after 10pm at night and early morning but not very active in the day time. Is this normal for Danio's. When they are active they seem to be chasing each other around in like a small circle in the same part of the tank just swiming around and up and around the top of the tank and then back down again LOL. is this also normal. In the daytime they seem to be not as active. Fish seem to look very healthy. we have the Silver type Danios

It's just that i have been reading on the net that Danios breed easy so was not sure if all the above is this or not as i am a newbie

Goiing to do a water test on Tue night and then only 20% water change and then at the weekend going to take a water sample to the good local fish shop so he can test for me as well. Alot better service there than at Pets at home.

Many Thanks
did you get some mature media before you added the danio's?

they do best in groups of 5+ so at some point you should get some more.

glad you've found a decent fish shop, worth they're weight in gold!
Hi all,

Can someone tell me why my tanks water over night has turned like a white cloudy coulour

Just follow Mrs Wiggle, she has you doing everything so far that id have done. Cloudyness could be the cycle speeding up since you added new fish to an uncycled tank. be patient and keep up with Mrs Wiggle's suggestiosn and keep monitoring the water quality.

Where are you by the way, as if you are local i have media you could have, as does a friend of mine.
Just follow Mrs Wiggle, she has you doing everything so far that id have done. Cloudyness could be the cycle speeding up since you added new fish to an uncycled tank. be patient and keep up with Mrs Wiggle's suggestiosn and keep monitoring the water quality.

Where are you by the way, as if you are local i have media you could have, as does a friend of mine.

yup, couldiness i *thin* is the sign of a bacteria bloom, it's the next stage of your tank cycling.

keep monitoring your levels and doing water changes.
Do i do water changes of a daily bassis. As i have been treating with Ammo Lock this week as directed by the local fish guy just to get rid of the last Ammonia in the tank.

I last did a water change on Thur where i added water condionor and ammo lock

you certainly need to test your water for ammonia and nitrite every day, and any day that you get a reading that isn't 0 you need to do a water change.

i personally wouldn't bother with ammo lock.... the bacteria need the ammonia to feed off to grow, not letting them have it by adding something like amm lock is gonna make the bacteria grow slower and make all this carry on longer
Would it best to be 50% or 20% change


you certainly need to test your water for ammonia and nitrite every day, and any day that you get a reading that isn't 0 you need to do a water change.

i personally wouldn't bother with ammo lock.... the bacteria need the ammonia to feed off to grow, not letting them have it by adding something like amm lock is gonna make the bacteria grow slower and make all this carry on longer
Latest Tank Stats:

PH - 7.2
KH - 120
GH - 300
No2 - 0.5
No3 - 20

Ammonia is still detected from the test but i guest thats due to using Ammo Lock last week.

Water now not cloudy and is nearly clear. Going to do another water change tonight again of about 30% of the water.


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