New Danios!


Fish Fanatic
May 19, 2004
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I went to the nearest independent fish store to look around. Being a huge fan of danios, I went straight to the tank where I knew they always were. And they had three long finned blue danios there! Of course I couldn't not bring them home. As soon as I put them in the tank they joined up with my six long finned zebra danios and have made themselves at home. :wub:

Here's a picture, although it's not a great one:

I just love how energetic and playful danios are and just had to share about the new members of the family. :D
That is so cool. I love it! :thumbs:
you gonna breed them?
Thanks! :) Probably won't breed them - unless it just happens.

Oh, and I've looked at your danio website several times. It's been very helpful and you have a lot of great information there. Thank you. :)
hmmm... could it be dyed??

it looks just like a normal longfin - but blue... i've never seen blue before (dosn't mean they dont exist though)
smithrc said:
hmmm... could it be dyed??

it looks just like a normal longfin - but blue... i've never seen blue before (dosn't mean they dont exist though)
HI smith long time no post
anyway it is a (danio kerris) and not a dyed fish. very hard to find and even harder to get a lonfinned variety.

Oh, and I've looked at your danio website several times. It's been very helpful and you have a lot of great information there. Thank you.

Thank you for the compliment glad its helped you :thumbs:
Smith - Yeah, when I first saw the sign about blue danios, I wondered if they were dyed, too. But the camera actually exaggerated the blue a little. It's more like a blue tinted gray, if that makes sense. Very pretty, but very pale.

Danio - I wish I could breed them, just don't have the setup for it. I would be able to do that next year, though. So hopefully these will live long, healthy lives and maybe I can breed them then. :D And I'm keeping my eyes open at the IF store. I doubt they'll get any more but I would love to get three more of them if they do. :)
I'll keep an eye out for them then - really cool

(long time no post = I've been on holiday :D )
Okay, so I came home from work today and couldn't find the third blue danio. I watched the tank and looked and couldn't find it. Finally just a few minutes ago I saw that my sailfin pleco had it and had eaten half already. :( My sailfin is just two inches long. Do you think that the poor danio just died and then the pleco got to it?

Also, all of my danios like to chase each other and nip at each other. But there is never any fin damage. The blue danios, however, I have noticed have just the slightest bit of fin damage from this "fun." Are they okay or should I remove them and put them in my five gallon with the one white cloud? I just want these other two to live and be healthy!

Any suggestions?
I have 3 long finned blue danios also. Mine are evil they nip at everyone including each other. I think they even chased one of my biggest zebras out of the tank :rip: Just make sure you have a hood on and they should be fine. I didnt :X
Dallionz said:
Okay, so I came home from work today and couldn't find the third blue danio. I watched the tank and looked and couldn't find it. Finally just a few minutes ago I saw that my sailfin pleco had it and had eaten half already. :( My sailfin is just two inches long. Do you think that the poor danio just died and then the pleco got to it?

Also, all of my danios like to chase each other and nip at each other. But there is never any fin damage. The blue danios, however, I have noticed have just the slightest bit of fin damage from this "fun." Are they okay or should I remove them and put them in my five gallon with the one white cloud? I just want these other two to live and be healthy!

Any suggestions?
no, as long as the fin damage is not too great then they will be fine
try adding some melafix in the water to help the healing of the fins.
Shoe - I'm sorry about your danios. I'm being extra careful with the lid. I lost a bala shark to the same thing. :(

Danio - Thanks. I'll just leave them in. They seem to be fitting in more and none of the fin damage is that bad. They sure are fun to watch! :D

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