New Cories Coming On Thursday


Yes, Bryan, I see your beauties. :drool: And yea, Bryan, I am trying to figure out if I can turn my old station wagon into a fish tank, or maybe put on on top of it.

What is he. He looks like he would fit nicely in the panda tank. :rolleyes:

When all else fails you always can use your bathtub :lol:

He is C. caudimaculatus 8)


  • s.macropterus.jpg
    44.8 KB · Views: 111
What size is C. caudimaculus? Is he about the melini/San Juan/ arcuatus/panda size?
Hi Barracuda518

Nice new addition Cory and tank set up. What size of your new tank? I'm looking for to get new tank.
Are your C.duplicareus group mixed with C. Adolfoi? From first photo two far back fish look like has thin black line. [It is hard to tell from photo].

C. venezuelanus looks great, how large of those Cory.

That is a 20 gallon long. Nope, those are all C.duplicareus. The ones you see that look like C. adolfoi are still young and havent fully developed the black stripe.

C. venezuelanus get a little over 2" I believe.


What is the white sparkly sand? I just use Quickrite medium weight sterilized building sand at a couple of bucks for 50 lbs. My lfs recommended it, and unless I want black sand that's what I do. BUT I like that sand you have in there, and I thought I'd ask what it is?

Bryan! What is that bad boy you have in your signature? :drool:

Its just some sand a LFS around here sells. I want to try black sand too at some point.


Yes, Bryan, I see your beauties. :drool: And yea, Bryan, I am trying to figure out if I can turn my old station wagon into a fish tank, or maybe put on on top of it.

What is he. He looks like he would fit nicely in the panda tank. :rolleyes:

When all else fails you always can use your bathtub :lol:

He is C. caudimaculatus 8)

I see Bryan is showing off those nice cories again! Those Scleromystax macropterus look like a giant peppered cory :lol:

Those Scleromystax Kronei are awesome too. All the cories you have sent me are doing great. Thanks! :good:
I put the albinos in a tank with black Tahitian moon sand. I like it. It really shows them off. (See new pics.) I think the Brochis splendens would look good with that sparkly white.
What size is C. caudimaculus? Is he about the melini/San Juan/ arcuatus/pands size?
Aquarium specimens reach 45.0 mm SL males, 50.0 mm SL females. They are about the size of C. panda but have more girth to them.

I see Bryan is showing off those nice cories again! Those Scleromystax macropterus look like a giant peppered cory :lol:

Those Scleromystax Kronei are awesome too. All the cories you have sent me are doing great. Thanks! :good:
Glad to hear everyone is doing so well ! Just got in another batch of beauties last week that I will post some pics of later B)

I just wish they were as easy to get as peppered corys ! Scleromystax macropterus is listed in an account of Brazilian fishes (Red List) threatened by extinction and is therefore not allowed to be collected, traded or even bred by aquarists in Brazil. We are fortunate enough to have been able to obtain some.

Nijssen and Isbrücker (1980) put Corydoras kronei in synonymy with Corydoras barbatus. Isbrücker (in Fuller, 2001) resurrected Corydoras kronei. Both species are now in the genus Scleromystax.
Do you have some of the caudimaculus? I'm considering the bathtub. :hyper: Actually the twenty that the 25 or so litlttle cories is in could easily take more. Of course if they would breed....
does this mean you are getting more corys???

and Bryan i see you got in some new corys.. always good to see your selection expanding. I just wish you were either in Canada or the border wasn't such a pain
Bryan, I sent you an email :D
Got it !

and Bryan i see you got in some new corys.. always good to see your selection expanding. I just wish you were either in Canada or the border wasn't such a pain
I've got Callichthyidae coming and going every week ! We just added another 2,500 gallons (total now 11,000) to hold them all as we are hoping to house 50 species minimum at a time. Don't let the border scare you as I ship fish to Canada all the time.

Incidentally, we are in the process of opening a new division of our company as well as a website Corys 'R' Us that will specialize in Callichthyidae (Corydoras, Aspidoras, Brochis, Scleromystax & C-number Corydoras ) species and their supplies. Being one of the largest importers of Callichthyidae (Corydoras, Aspidoras, Brochis, Scleromystax & C-number Corydoras ) species in the US we will be able to offer one of the best, if not the best assortment of species found anywhere today.


  • c.polystictus.jpg
    49.8 KB · Views: 109
Betterbettas, Do you have a collection of cories for yourself? If you'd do I'd love to see some photos of your setups and cories If you make a new thread for it, all the better.
Betterbettas, Do you have a collection of cories for yourself? If you'd do I'd love to see some photos of your setups and cories If you make a new thread for it, all the better.
I've got some rare one's that I keep in my personal collection but when you've got as many as we do here they all seem to be "my collection" !

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