Fish Herder
would it be Frank by any chance???
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would it be Frank by any chance???
well you won;t be disappointed with his fish.. he really takes good care of his fish and always has some very interesting and hard to find ones spawning.
I have gotten most of my cories from Bryan at BetterBettas. All the ones but the few I got from my LFS: the pandas, the peppers, and my first two cories--the "who knows what they are" ones and of course the Brocha splendens and the bronze.
They all arrived healthy and strong but two in a mid winter shipment. But he had sent extras so I was covered. He has been an incredible resource for me, even setting me up with a local supplier of wholsale blackworms.
I just started the filter last night at 11:00 and the fish are supposed to be here tommorrow. Do I need to move that filter to an established tank and let it run? I could take the filter sponge out and put it back in the other tank and just run the filter. There is already and airstone in the tank.
I also can get some of that Biospira stuff to and add it when the fish get here.
They are coming USPS express mail, only choice I had.
I just started the filter last night at 11:00 and the fish are supposed to be here tommorrow. Do I need to move that filter to an established tank and let it run? I could take the filter sponge out and put it back in the other tank and just run the filter. There is already and airstone in the tank.
I also can get some of that Biospira stuff to and add it when the fish get here.
They are coming USPS express mail, only choice I had.
Hi Barracuda518
If you had waited, there would have been less of a risk of losing any of the beneficial bacteria from lack of food. Since it's a newly set up tank, there's nothing at all to sustain them. Given my recent experiences with the postal service.......................................
Speaking of the post office, I never had a problem until just lately. I suspect they are being careful of all packages and especially those with liquids. You would think that since both boxes had it plainly marked that they were "LIVE FISH" in them, that they would have made some effort to get them on their way, wouldn't you? I can understand that kind of delay, but what made me really annoyed was that when they did arrive at the local office, they made no effort to get them to me any sooner. Their attitude was like, "Oops, we didn't make it for the 24 hour service that you paid for, so we'll just take our time and get it to you within 48 hours." I don't live very far from the post office and, even though I asked, they wouldn't put them early on the delivery schedule.
Yesterday I called UPS and FedEx and their rates are exorbitant! They have gone up a lot since I last got a delivery from them. Express Mail might just be the only thing that's a decent price and even that is a lot.
I'm very sure you will be happy with Frank's fish. I know I always have been. If you are getting a group of spawning Gold Shoulders, you might as well start thinking about what you will use for a grow out tank because you'll have plenty of fry in no time at all. These fish spawn like crazy!
Hi Barracuda518
I'm sure it will be fine. It's just that you have a lot of fish coming and will probably want to quarantine them together for awhile. The last thing they need, especially if they are stressed from the trip, is an ammonia spike.
I'll be very interested in what you think about the BioSpira too.
Well, they're on their way now. I hope all goes well.
Do you get to be home for them?