New Cories Coming On Thursday

I can envisage a certain member of this forum (his name shant be mentioned) recieving his order and becoming conviently sick :p . I dont know if your boss knows anything about fishkeeping: maybe just tell them its a bad case of Coryitis :lol:
Well they are here and Frank sent me some extra ones. Im trying to figure what they are :fun:

I have spent most of the afternoon calming them down and im getting ready to move them to the tank. I have a few pictures, but didnt take many. They seem very stressed from their journey and a lot them are very young. Im very happy :good:
Hi Barracuda518 :)

I'm glad to hear they arrived on time. :nod: Can't wait to see the pictures! :D
I took this one picture when I was matching the PH and temperatures:


I will have some more later once they are settled in B)
Hi Barracuda518 :)

They look really good. :nod: It will just take a little time for them to get used to the change and recover from their trip.

It looks like you have some very nice Peru Gold Shoulders there! :D
Hi Barracuda518 :)

They look really good. :nod: It will just take a little time for them to get used to the change and recover from their trip.

It looks like you have some very nice Peru Gold Shoulders there! :D

I sure do! Frank is awesome! He sent me 5 extra C. venezuelanus which makes my group 14!!

He also sent me 6 C. similis. I cant say enough about Frank. He was awesome and answered everyone of my emails. He sells fish on Aquabid and uses the name Guppymannj. Thanks Frank!

I can not wait to order from him again :good:

I will take more pictures tommorrow :good:
Looking forward to the pics.

I believe I recently saw his name lurking around the forum. :shifty:

They are a lovely box o'fish. I always order so many there's not enough room to add many extras. :rolleyes:
Here are a couple pictures I took this afternoon. They are still skittish and coloring up. I didnt tank many because they didnt like the flash. Most of the fish are juvies and have some growing to do...

You can see the venezuelanus, similis, and duplicareus in this picture:


In this one you can see how the flash disturbed the biggest female gold shoulder by all the sand she stirred up. This was the last picture I took...



Female gold shoulder and some venezuelanus:


Female gold shoulder in front, male in the back along with some duplicareus and a venezuelanus digging in the sand:


More pictures to come :D

EDIT: One more:

Just darlin'! In the last pic, the very light youngun' with the shinny green around the gill. What is he?

Ok, Venezuelanus I guess. Very nice.
Hi Barracuda518

Congratulation for very nice addition of Cories. Love to have some of those. It looks very healthy.

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