New Cories Coming On Thursday

Brat!! :p

I believe I could find a tank for them to fit in, but the timing is off. I am in the process of moving some fish around. There will be room for a QT as soon as I finish getting two tanks set up. I have had the new tank for my Moba fronts for two weeks already, and I still don't know how the wet/dry sets up.

I may also need to watch expenses: a teenage boy in the group home I have worked in for over 17 years with never an accusation, has made an accusation aqainst me a few days ago. We don't know yet if he is hallucinating or a drama queen, but I am on administrative leave. It has never happened before in our homes that a boy has accused someone the administration believes in w/o question. So they are not sure what the laws are regarding pay. If it is legal it will be with pay. Even so, I will not be able to get any overtime, which I need to make my budget.

The investigator has not even gotten back to the CEO yet. We have no idea how long this will take. But it is in the hands of the government. :hyper:

Still, I may check AB out. I really have to stay away from that place. :crazy: I am already running 500 usg of water in a one bedroom apartment. (Well, with the new tank and the one waiting to be reset for the Badis badis.
Brat!! :p

I believe I could find a tank for them to fit in, but the timing is off. I am in the process of moving some fish around. There will be room for a QT as soon as I finish getting two tanks set up. I have had the new tank for my Moba fronts for two weeks already, and I still don't know how the wet/dry sets up.

I may also need to watch expenses: a teenage boy in the group home I have worked in for over 17 years with never an accusation, has made an accusation aqainst me a few days ago. We don't know yet if he is hallucinating or a drama queen, but I am on administrative leave. It has never happened before in our homes that a boy has accused someone the administration believes in w/o question. So they are not sure what the laws are regarding pay. If it is legal it will be with pay. Even so, I will not be able to get any overtime, which I need to make my budget.

The investigator has not even gotten back to the CEO yet. We have no idea how long this will take. But it is in the hands of the government. :hyper:

Still, I may check AB out. I really have to stay away from that place. :crazy: I am already running 500 usg of water in a one bedroom apartment. (Well, with the new tank and the one waiting to be reset for the Badis badis.

Sorry to hear about all your work problems. I hope it all gets sorted out soon. Nothing worse than being accused of something you haven't done and nothing you can do about other than wait for investigations.

It really is alright. My supervisor is more upset than I am. I needed some time off. :lol: I will probably be able to get some kind of pay. I have complete backing from my work fellows and superiors. No one believes the boy, but the administrator felt it was necessary to follow the strictest protocol. My supervisor considers it so outrageous that it should not even have been reported. I told him not to worry. It is a Christian group home, and I believe it is a stupid move on the part of our enemy. But we know what his assaults accomplish. :D

Thankyou for the good words.

I have never been assulted or involved in one that did not end with glory for Him. Just a week ago we had an event in which several boys made decisions for Christ. :D An angry enemy is to be expected.
Just some updated pictures:

Couple of group pictures:





Gold Shoulders:



Tank shot:


Any Comments?
I really like the duplicareus??, one with the faint smallish spots and a patch towards its tail. Well I like your whole tank really, corys god bless them.

Thanks :good:

The ones with the black spot towards its tail are C. similis.

The C. duplicareus are the ones with the black stripe along their backs :D
Hi Barracuda518

Nice new addition Cory and tank set up. What size of your new tank? I'm looking for to get new tank.
Are your C.duplicareus group mixed with C. Adolfoi? From first photo two far back fish look like has thin black line. [It is hard to tell from photo].

C. venezuelanus looks great, how large of those Cory.
I also buy a lot of cories from Betterbettas on Aquabid. He also takes really good care of his fish and I reccomend him and Frank both. Betterbettas has a lot of cories I want that I plan on getting in the future.

I have gotten most of my cories from Bryan at BetterBettas. All the ones but the few I got from my LFS: the pandas, the peppers, and my first two cories--the "who knows what they are" ones and of course the Brocha splendens and the bronze.

They all arrived healthy and strong but two in a mid winter shipment. But he had sent extras so I was covered. He has been an incredible resource for me, even setting me up with a local supplier of wholsale blackworms. :D

Thanks Jason & Sue for the kind words !


  • s.kronei1.jpg
    41.6 KB · Views: 74

What is the white sparkly sand? I just use Quickrite medium weight sterilized building sand at a couple of bucks for 50 lbs. My lfs recommended it, and unless I want black sand that's what I do. BUT I like that sand you have in there, and I thought I'd ask what it is?

Bryan! What is that bad boy you have in your signature? :drool:

Yes, Bryan, I see your beauties. :drool: And, yes, Bryan, I am trying to figure out if I can turn my old station wagon into a fish tank, or maybe put one on top of it.

What is he? He looks like he would fit nicely in my panda tank. :rolleyes:

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