New Aquarist Needing Advice!

Thank you. Strange question but am I able to add more plants etc just now or would that cause problems? What are your thoughts on air stones?
Lots of people cycle with plants without any problems.
Air stones? Meh, I don't bother with them. They don't really do anything to help your tank, although they're great to have about for emergencies; some medications reduce oxygen levels, for example, but apart from that, they're for aesthetic reasons; have one if you like them :)
Ok thanks. Do they actually do Amy good for your tank?

Would you be so kind as to give me an idea what fish I could/should start with and what I could end up achieving in my 60l tank?

At least I can look forward to my fish in the end. All this ammonia/nitrite/nitrate cycle is given me a sore head :)
Like FM said, they only contribute to the aesthetics of the tank, they don't really help with oxygenation.
In a 60l tank, your options are quite limited. I would suggest a shoal of something small, like Celestial Pearl Danios and a single of something larger like a Honey Gourami or a Siamese Fighting Fish (aka Betta). Another alternative would be a group of male Guppies.
Have a look around your local fish shops, and post up the fish that light your candle - we can then tell you what's hot, what's not.
Thanks! I was advised by the lfs (getting hang of things!) that I could get 25/30 fish in a 30L tank!

I'm not a fan of the betta fish, I really had my heart set on a pair of angel fish and a few neon tetras?

I've still been adding the ammonia, since Saturday now, but still not showing up at all. Is this normal?

Also a bizarre question perhaps but when you get to the stage of changing water, how are you able to heat it to the same temperature at the tank? Would I need another thermometer? Use water from a kettle etc?
60l is far too small for angels, I'm afraid; don't forget that the angels you see in your LFS are babies, with a lot of growing to do. I had one that was, tbh, a bit of a runt, but he was still a good eight inches tall.
Neons would be ok, size wise, but they tend not to do so well in new tanks, even if they're properly cycled.
It's very odd you don't have any ammonia showing; how much have you added? Which ammonia test are you using?
As for water changes, you can mix hot water from either your kettle or your tap. You don't really need an extra thermometer; just feeling with your hand is close enough :)
A 60l is too small for angels, sadly. And a lot people see neons disappearing when in the same tank as angels.
With regards to the ammonia, how much are you adding and how often? I've had a quick scan through the thread and can't see that info anywhere, but I may have missed it.
You don't need to get the temperature exactly matched, your hand is sensitive enough for the purpose. I personally use the hot tap (just make sure that your water conditioner (the Aqua Plus stuff) also deals with heavy metals, which most do. A lot of others use the kettle.

fluttermoth said:
60l is far too small for angels, I'm afraid; don't forget that the angels you see in your LFS are babies, with a lot of growing to do. I had one that was, tbh, a bit of a runt, but he was still a good eight inches tall.
Neons would be ok, size wise, but they tend not to do so well in new tanks, even if they're properly cycled.
It's very odd you don't have any ammonia showing; how much have you added? Which ammonia test are you using?
As for water changes, you can mix hot water from either your kettle or your tap. You don't really need an extra thermometer; just feeling with your hand is close enough
the_lock_man said:
A 60l is too small for angels, sadly. And a lot people see neons disappearing when in the same tank as angels.
With regards to the ammonia, how much are you adding and how often? I've had a quick scan through the thread and can't see that info anywhere, but I may have missed it.
You don't need to get the temperature exactly matched, your hand is sensitive enough for the purpose. I personally use the hot tap (just make sure that your water conditioner (the Aqua Plus stuff) also deals with heavy metals, which most do. A lot of others use the kettle.
Blimey, are we psychic or what?
Great minds think alike, TLM, lol ;)
That's unfortunate :( that was my top choice of fish as well!

I'm using ammonia in a liquid form and I've been adding a few drops every day. I'm using a small ear drop liquid dispenser object thingy!! Clean and unused obviously.

Water temp is 26/27.

Thought my readings would have started by now.
How much in ml? Assuming your ammonia is 9.5% solution (it seems most are around that level), you need to be adding 2ml each day.
I'm not sure exactly it I've been putting a few drops in once a day. Don't have any idea what the measurement would be. Think ill add more and increase the water temperature slightly again.
You need to be quite accurate with how much ammonia you are adding. Too little (which I suspect is your problem) and you don't get any bacterial growth, too much and the wrong type of bacteria grow. As I said, you need to be adding 2ml per day. Get a medicine syringe to help. I have loads of them from old bottles of Calpol and Junior Nurofen.
That's a good idea! Ill try and hunt one down. Thank you. I've still to test my water this morning so will update you with the results :)
I've put my temp up slightly and I 'think' my ammonia is starting to rise (hopefully). It certainly isn't the bright yellow colour which would indicative of the reading being 0 however it still isn't the colour of 0.25. Hopefully things have started to move!
Try testing it about 20 minutes after you put the ammonia in. See what the test says then.

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