ReddSam said:Id add to JenJ that live plants and wood help reduce the pH of your tank without causing harm and personally i think natural things make a tank
pH generally is generally between 7 and 8, high pH such as 8 is good for Cichlids. but best thing to do is some research before you buy
Reddsam is spot on that natural things make a tank look wonderful - check out our Tank of the Month competition threads if you need convincing! Plants don't affect pH, but they do help to keep nitrate down. In a VERY heavily planted tank, nitrate levels can be 0ppm, although most mature tanks tend to run at about 10-20ppm above the tap water level. Wood can reduce pH, but only in soft water. In hard water, the dissolved minerals keep the pH where it is (this is called buffering). I don't think you'll find any experienced aquarist anywhere that recommends trying to alter your pH, which will be somewhere between 6 and 8. Lower than 7 is acidic water, and higher is alkaline.
You need to find out which level yours is. Generally, alkaline fish don't do well in acidic water, whereas acidic fish can survive well in alkaline water - don't ask me why, it's something to do with osmotic regulation, but I can never remember exactly what.
Others have given you the heads-up on fishless cycling - and I'm not going to argue with them!
Whilst you're waiting for your tank to cycle (cos you're gonna go fishless ), take the opportunity to browse around your local fish shops (us lazy wossnames here refer to them as LFS), make a note of the fish that appeal to you, and then post a list up on the forum. We can then advise you on what works, what doesn't, perhaps some alternatives to think about.
And lastly. WELCOME!!