Nervous About Job Interview

hehe thanx Becca for asking, and thanx fiddlesticks :thumbs: Nope..actually i have no news yet, but i have a little bit of news? ;) my bf went to get an interview the day after mine, and while he was there he over heard the managers saying, "Oh...have you looked at Cindy's resume? i interviewed her yesterday and i really want her to work here." :p BUT...they told my bf that they would call him...maybe. :unsure: So...good news for me, but bad news for him. -_- He said its okay with it, so he supports me 100%, but i can't give my hopes up just on that!! I actually called the Aquatics manager today, and she said that she'll call me in a couple of days for sure because some more people came in for interviews, and it wouldn't be fair if they just hire me if they didn't interview everybody. SOOOOO hopefully...nobody who's already a marine biology student goes there. :eek: So YUP!! until then i shall update some more. Once again...THANX YOU GUYS!!! :fun:

Oh yea i forgot to add. I agree with the There's plenty of fish in the sea, and yes i plan to move on to different pet stores if Petsmart don't accept me. :thumbs:
i'd love to try and get a job at my petsmart, but i think they only hire people who look good....or maybe it's just a coincidince that all the guys are cute, and the girls all look good......if this is the case, then petsmart is out of the question for me! lol.

sounds like you got the job to me! i've been lingering here for a while waiting for you to come on and be like "yay! i got the job!"....hope ya do!
hopefully it doesn't have the same ending though....u know....the "THAT was the great all mighty tool?!" thing.....that was kinda disappointing. lol.

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