Nervous About Job Interview

Jesse said:
It's funny how one girl just asked for support on her interview, and a whole fiasco came out of it. Good luck at Petsmart!
:lol: I told my bf...i think i created some kind of controversy or something...sry guys...didnt mean to :X n thank u!!
Eeesh - seems like it's been a while - have you heard anything yet??

Don't let the PetSmart haters get you down. ;) Personally, my local PetSmart is great - except for the one guy who has a condescending attitude. :( (He actually does know a bit, but he thinks that since he has this knowledge, everyone should bow before him and no one is worth his time. This is in NO way a stereo-type. It's just the one guy...)

Anyway, good luck. If you truely want to have your own LFS one day, you have to start somewhere. And chains like PetSmart, PetCo, etc aren't a bad option. Even if their fish sales are doing poorly, you're not likely to lose your job. And hey - most fish beginniners buy from those stores, so maybe you'll help some newbies out in the process. :)

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!!
Becca said:
Eeesh - seems like it's been a while - have you heard anything yet??

Don't let the PetSmart haters get you down. ;) Personally, my local PetSmart is great - except for the one guy who has a condescending attitude. :( (He actually does know a bit, but he thinks that since he has this knowledge, everyone should bow before him and no one is worth his time. This is in NO way a stereo-type. It's just the one guy...)

Anyway, good luck. If you truely want to have your own LFS one day, you have to start somewhere. And chains like PetSmart, PetCo, etc aren't a bad option. Even if their fish sales are doing poorly, you're not likely to lose your job. And hey - most fish beginniners buy from those stores, so maybe you'll help some newbies out in the process. :)

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!!
hehe, well the interview isn't until monday, and its its tomorrow. :p Thank you for ur support :thumbs:
Well after the interview could you PM some of the questions they asked you and stuff, I'm thinking of applying as well.
Yano said:
Well after the interview could you PM some of the questions they asked you and stuff, I'm thinking of applying as well.
hehe sure thing!! ;)
Love2havefish said:
mmm..once again thanks to everybody who's supporting me. ;)

pleco - have you ever worked at a lfs? i don't really understand on what you're trying to say by posting all those different things. At first i got the impression that you think that i'm like any beginner...then you start going on bout lfs employees getting put down. I think...but what Yano was saying is that there are a lot of people who work at pet stores when they don't even know how to do anything, or they don't know anything at all. If the LFS employees who read this thread is offended...why get so offended by it? we're not talking about those who know their stuff, to those people who do know their stuff :thumbs: . But, its those people who don't... :no:

PETsMARTchick- thank you! how long have you been working there? how much do you like your job?
I've been working there for about 8 months and I just got promoted. When I started, I didn't know much about fish but I was trained and I learned. Now I'm a fish fanatic!! I love my job, sometimes too much I think. It can be a little dirty sometimes:gravel vaccumming and algae wiping 100 something tanks, pulling dead fish, cleaning hamster and bird cages,etc. But it's worth it everytime someone tells you you've been a lot of help. It's a corporation so there's lots of set rules and procedures and stuff. You'll have to deal w/ reptiles, small animals, birds, and bugs, as well as fish. I love animals so it's the perfect job right now. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
PETsMARTchick said:
I've been working there for about 8 months and I just got promoted. When I started, I didn't know much about fish but I was trained and I learned. Now I'm a fish fanatic!! I love my job, sometimes too much I think. It can be a little dirty sometimes:gravel vaccumming and algae wiping 100 something tanks, pulling dead fish, cleaning hamster and bird cages,etc. But it's worth it everytime someone tells you you've been a lot of help. It's a corporation so there's lots of set rules and procedures and stuff. You'll have to deal w/ reptiles, small animals, birds, and bugs, as well as fish. I love animals so it's the perfect job right now. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
dang, 8 months!! ;) I'm getting very excited about the job, and my interview is today at 1:00...i couldn't even go to sleep!! After reading your post, for some odd reason, after reading all of the disgusting parts, I WANT THE JOB EVEN MORE!! :fun: I love animlas so much:wub: ..i really hope i get this job!!!!!!!!!!!! :hyper: :hyper:
Actually, yes, Plecoperson does work in a lfs store, so its easy to understand why she gets so angry about the stereotyping, seeing as she is a teenager, and for all employees to be lumped together under a degrading title such as "dumb teenager" insults everyone who happens to be under 18 working in a lfs whether they know their stuff or not. Think about how you see them next time.

k. I just came back from my interview. It was extremely nerve wrecking since the manager that was suppose to interview me didn't even know he was suppose to interview anybody today. I waited around for about 10-15 mins, and then in the end, i got interviewed by 2 other managers from different departments. One just asked me the questions, the other ...was just there. -_- I personally feel like it went well ;) but they want me to be able to that a bad thing? Well, i have to meet with the aquatics manager tomorrow, (she wasn't there today) so hopefully i'll get really good news from her :p
Love2havefish said:
k. I just came back from my interview. It was extremely nerve wrecking since the manager that was suppose to interview me didn't even know he was suppose to interview anybody today. I waited around for about 10-15 mins, and then in the end, i got interviewed by 2 other managers from different departments. One just asked me the questions, the other ...was just there. -_- I personally feel like it went well ;) but they want me to be able to that a bad thing? Well, i have to meet with the aquatics manager tomorrow, (she wasn't there today) so hopefully i'll get really good news from her :p
Hey there! Sorry it didn't go perfectly smooth. But I'm glad you feel it went well. Closing just means working nights and staying a little bit after the store closes(9pm). When closing, you have to do things like pull dead, small animals, birds, reptiles, water test, treatment room, new arrival room, trash, lights and facing(straightening up). But of course all of those will be divided up between 2-4 people in the time frame of about 5 hours. Just don't be suprised if you get the busy dirty work when you first start. Unless you went in wearing sweat pants and a bra, or gave yourself a bad mullet and millions of piercings, you probably got the job. Good luck tomorrow!
james.. said:
Make sure you:

a. Are ignorant,
b. have spikey black hair,
c. at LEAST three piercings,

If you have a, b and c met you are assured to get the job.
You forgot coming in stoned.
Yeah let us know if you got it. Im getting nervous for you too. I hope you get it. More pet stores need people who love animals working at them. I have some friends with a store who will only hire people who are lovers of animals, and enthusiastic about learning about the products. It sounds like you are both of those things. I think this store will be better off if they hire you. But if you dont get it, dont worry. There are plenty of fish in the sea.(pun intended) :fun: So you can always try a smaller mom and pop store. You could probably make even more of a difference at a smaller chain. :D Good luck

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