Nano Tank Diary...

Got some good pics...

First, the pic of my new toadstool leather mushroom coral (Sarcophyton). He doesn't have all those little "fingers" that I usually see, but there are pores all over it, I am hoping it's just an acclimation thing and when it gets settled in, it will extend its little "fingers" Also, you can see my zoos from seacrop...


...and the best pic I've gotten yet of my little clown. You can see his stripes coming in more and the black on his tail. The spots on the glass are little filter feeders.

The toadstool leather is already starting to "open up". It's going to be cool. I ordered a small and am very pleased with the size.
More pics. I was playing around and found that I can get the best pics with the macro setting. I'm pretty pleased with these. I really have to adjust the saturation setting to remove the blue cast from the actinics.








Stunning photos! LOVE THEM ZOOS! :wub:

Watch the goby closely, they have been known to munch polyps. My friend has the yellow one though and its behaved itelf
Thanks for the heads up on that one! I'll definitely watch out for that. The goby's actually out and swimming around now - the clown's not thrilled b/c the goby's in his territory, but they're doing fine.

I am so happy with the zoos - this picture doesn't capture how BRIGHT orange the center of some are. I've also got some other zoos that are lime or lavender in the center and brown skirt. They're nice too.

The snails I've barely seen - they burrowed right into the sand and I've only seen one of the ceriths since!
Nice we all do it was a accident :cough: What do you think of did you like there choice of fish and how healthy they were.
:lol: I know, I know, but it really was an accident!! I wasn't going to look at adding another fish for 6mos after I added my firefish just to let the tank mature and stabilize and get the LR going full speed.

I did like liveaquaria. I've browsed their site for a long time, just looking at different things. They are adding new stuff all the time and have really reasonable prices. Their shipping charge is by far the most reasonable online - they send regular FedEx overnight instead of FedEx priority overnight. The difference for my house was 2hrs. I got my order from seacrop at 9:30am and this order at 11:30am! I got my shipping notice from LA at 5:30 last night and they were at my house by 11:30 this morning. I think that's pretty good.

The gobies pectoral fins are a bit ragged, but all the rest are in great shape. He kinda stuffed himself behind a rock (or my heater top) for a few hours, but now is out and swimming around.

The toadstool coral, I couldn't be happier with. Their "small" size said it would be 2-3"...this is easily 3-4".

I followed their acclimation procedures as listed on their website and everything settled in really smoothly.
A bit of a scare this morning... I *always* see my little clownfish first thing when I get up - he likes the front, top, right corner of the tank and is usually there, tail or head standing :rolleyes: This morning, he wasn't there and I didn't see the goby either. I wasn't too worried b/c I thought he'd be in the rocks somewhere. Nope. I saw him wedged in between the heater and mag-float. When I scooted the mag-float to the side, he just "stuck" to it :crazy: I thought maybe he'd gotten his tail fin stuck inside it somehow but was in the middle of something else and didn't have time to sort it out. A few minutes later, he had moved and was resting on top of the mag-float and has been there since. I have seen him moving and is not stuck, but it just cracks me up that he's chosen to hang out on the mag-float, not in the rocks.

Oh, and I found the clown horizontal in the left corner when I looked in from the other side - he is so small, you couldn't see him at all below the black trim along the top of the tank!

I haven't seen the firefish, but I never see him before the lights come on.

The toadstool is mostly open already this morning :thumbs:
More pics :fun:

Unidentified new thing. Looks like a fan worm/feather duster kind of thing.

My other zoos I didn't get a pic of yesterday:

Same zoos:

Whole tank shot:
Holy cow, I've got snail eggs! One of my new nassarius snails has laid eggs in one of the corners of my tank. I saw the snail laying the eggs so I know which one it was... I've had stupid snails in my FW tank for MONTHS that I've been hoping would lay some eggs and they never did :rolleyes: :lol:

It'll be interesting to see what happens with these....
Thanks! It really took me by surprise! I've got plenty of snails, so if nothing comes of it, that's ok too :p

Maybe yours will lay again and you'll get some this time :thumbs:
I just saw a tiny white starfish in my tank! I've seen lots of bristleworms and other pods and things, but this is the first time I've seen a starfish. I didn't even know I had one :lol: He's little and white with spiny legs. I guess a brittle star, but I'm going to go look for pics to help ID it.

You see all kinds of cool things when you first turn the lights on :p
Yuck. I had a hard drive crash early in the month, then went out of town for 10 days. Now, I'm back online but my little boy has croup again. Yuck! The good news is that things are going well enough in my tank. A few hiccups from being gone, but overall things are fine enough - my fish are all alive and well.

I just need to bump this up so I can find it again :p

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