Nano Tank Diary...

HA! I love that movie! Meet the Fockers was really good too :lol:

Yeah, with a 24g, I'd get a skimmer for sure. I've seen that 10g is the most that people recommend you try and get by without a skimmer for. I don't know anything about the different kinds of skimmers, I was just pretty sure that I didn't need a hundred dollar skimmer on my little tank!

There's also a midiflotor at liveaquaria, but I don't know what makes it better than the miniflotor other than it can handle more water.
Parker..did you see that post about one half of a cassette case placed on the intake grate as a skimmer. People were raving about it. Thanks. The Fockers...ha. So, if I get my nano up and going, does that mean, that, "I am IN the circle"? lol Frank
No, I'll have to check that out! On the nano-reef forums?

We can establish our OWN Saltwater circle of trust :lol: B)
Awww, bummer! I just checked the thread out and I don't have a nanocube, so I don't have any grate like that. I just have a standard Aqua Clear filter intake. Thanks for the heads up though, that's pretty cool!
Nice tank. Its turned out to be very nice. If I can imrove my grades maybe I can have my own setup to. Someday.... :sad:
A nice nano would be pretty good incentive to get your grades up, I'd think :) Good luck with it!!!
Im trying, its not like im a bad student, just need to get a 3.8 like I had 3 months ago and my mom will let me have the tank.
me too both 1000 gallon discus planted tank and a reef tank with sps and lps hard corals. That would make soo happy. :wub:
Those sound like WAY too much work for me :lol: I'll take a nice 180 gallon display tank as my dream tank :p I'd do a reef tank or an African cichlid tank or maybe a New World cichlid tank.....
I have a 10g nano and I don't run a skimmer. I do a 10% water change per week which is removed and emptied into my main reef tank's sump. Water is then taken from the main tank to replace the 10% removed.
Oh, that's a good system! Now I just have to talk the hubby into letting me put up a full size reef tank :fun:

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