HA! I love that movie! Meet the Fockers was really good too
Yeah, with a 24g, I'd get a skimmer for sure. I've seen that 10g is the most that people recommend you try and get by without a skimmer for. I don't know anything about the different kinds of skimmers, I was just pretty sure that I didn't need a hundred dollar skimmer on my little tank!
There's also a midiflotor at liveaquaria, but I don't know what makes it better than the miniflotor other than it can handle more water.

Yeah, with a 24g, I'd get a skimmer for sure. I've seen that 10g is the most that people recommend you try and get by without a skimmer for. I don't know anything about the different kinds of skimmers, I was just pretty sure that I didn't need a hundred dollar skimmer on my little tank!
There's also a midiflotor at liveaquaria, but I don't know what makes it better than the miniflotor other than it can handle more water.