Nano Tank Diary...

Thanks Ed, I'll have to check those out. Those polyps have grown a little, but not much and it's still just the 2 of them.

I just got my order of coral frags in from and I couldn't be happier :) I got the zoos that I ordered plus one of the frags from the 3-pack was another color of zoos. I love the zoanthids, so that was fine by me! I'm just now logging on to ID the mushroom and other softie.

Also, the soft coral isn't mounted to anything so I need to look and see if I need to do that.....
I checked out the waving hand coral and it really does look a lot like what I've got. has them listed as "expert only" so I'll do what I can to keep them healthy and hope they make it :flex:

I can't wait for my new lights to get here, I've never been happy with this new "upgraded" bulb that I got.
OK, finally got some pics of my new corals from - they all look really good :)

Red Mushroom:

Finger Leather (?):

Orange/Green Zoos:

Zoos with brown polyps (look how big they've gotten!):
My new lighting from Aquatraders came today. I am *very* happy. I upgraded from barely better than standard fluorescent to 110 total watts - 50w daylight and 50w actinic. I can see things on my rocks I've never seen before. It's great. I've taken pictures and will get them up here later.

Oh, and you should see how the colors on my firefish have really popped :thumbs:
OK, here's the tank under the new lights. It didn't photograph well, I'll have to work on that.

Thank you :) There are actually water stains all down the back and they're bugging me. I'd also like a different background (right now it's just a piece of dark green fabric cut to size) but just never seem to get around to fixing either of those!

I'd also love to get some more coral, but they're so $$! I need to talk to my lfs and see if they ever offer frags instead of the big huge corals they normally have. I got my brown polyps from them but those polyps seem to be the only thing they ever have on the small rocks. I really like the ones I got from seacrop but $40 for shipping is a bit steep.
You could try to find some other hobbyists in your area who would be happy to sell you coral frags for a very reasonable price.
Ed4567 said:
You could try to find some other hobbyists in your area who would be happy to sell you coral frags for a very reasonable price.
That's a good idea. It's a relatively small city and my lfs is the only one within probably 90 miles that does saltwater :lol: I'll have to try that though :)

Oh, my waving hand corals seem to have disappeared. Their purple encrusted feet are still there and I've seen them pull in for a little while before, but not for a couple of days. I read they liked light so I flipped their rock since they were on the bottom half, but that may have been too little too late.

On a good note, my polyps that I just got are doing really well.
you could try there corals are really healthy when they come in and purchases 300 dollars and under shipping is only 25 dollars i like them alot.
Thanks C_F. I love looking on liveaquaria. I am actually going to my lfs today for water and if they can frag corals or ever get in small ones then that's my first choice. I've got an excellent lfs and like doing what I can to help support them, not to mention then I don't have to pay any S&H. If they can't get smaller corals then liveaquaria will be a good next step.
I submitted an order today with liveaquaria for a toadstool mushroom leather coral - hopefully for my little clownfish to host, if he wants. He is doing so well, I'm just in love with him :wub: :flex: His white stripes are coming in a little more as is his black on his tail fin. He's also starting to get just a spot of black on one of his pectoral fins. He's noticeably bigger than when I got him, but he's still just a little guy! The firefish is doing really well too - the new lights really make his colors pop.

I also ordered some nassarius snails (3) and some cerith snails (3). Since I lost my top crown snail, I only have a margarita and an astrea snail. Well, I think I might have a couple nerite snails but I almost never see them and they're teeny tiny. Oh, I forgot - I do have a bumblebee snail too.

Everything is just going so well in my tank. On my zoos that I got from seacrop, I'm already starting to see some new polyps where the mat foot had already started extending along the LR.

Hopefully my stuff will be here Friday! :thumbs:
Oh boy am I a huge moron :*) :*) :*) I accidentally added a green clown goby to my order from liveaquaria :*) :*) :*)

I was playing around, adding "dream fish" to my shopping cart before I added my actual order the other day. I've always thought the green clown goby was just TOO cute so it was one I added (along with a blue tang). Well, when I added my coral and snails to my order and then removed the fish, I forgot to remove the goby. I was in a hurry and didn't pay attention to the invoice on the confirmation page. It's only a $7 fish, so counting shipping, the total wasn't off by enough to catch my attention.

I am so embarrassed. Thankfully this is a peaceful fish that goes well with what I have already, only gets to 1.5" total, and came very small. With him being small and my clown being small, HOPEFULLY everything will be ok, water quality wise. I just can't believe what a dork I am.

At least I didn't forget and order the tang! :crazy: :eek: :lol:

In good news, the snails are settled in, as is the coral. The goby was hiding under the rocks, but is now settled in, kinda tucked behind some rocks near the top and back of the tank.

I'm just going to have to keep a CLOSE eye on water parameters and if they start getting out of wack, the goby's just going to have to go to the lfs.
I can just imagine someone getting their order in and realize there's an extra fish in there :hyper:

Then realize it's their fault cause they forgot to take it off the order :lol:

at least you can manage to keep it
imagine if it had been a lion fish or something! :lol:
I know! Thank goodness it was the goby and not the tang or as you said, lionfish!!!

It's still pretty embarrassing :*) :lol:

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