My pc pics...

Oh yeah i just say ur post about dialectric grease.

I couldnt find the stuff so i used to fill up the cpu socket with thremal compound. Does the same job.
DG, wicked setup m8! Have u actually made ur CPU faster then?
i found stacks of dialectric greese supplyers but its expencive stuff. there was some kind of cooler master stand at one of the shows that had a whole mobo submerged in some kind of coolent liquid while running. must have been expencive.
Yep this pc kicks some a$$.

I dont exactly know what dialectric grease is made of, but there were suggestions on using vasline.

Thanks to the HT, i once managed to load two seperate games of online Battlefield!

PC stuff is easy cos all you have to do is look it up on the web. To get a cpu running at 3.7 isnt difficult. But cooling a cpu @ 3.7 IS.

People who get 4G + pc's, only have a motherboard on a desk with a polystyrene cup on top of the cpu which is filled with liquid nitrogen!!!! Thats what you need to cool a cpu at that speed. You cant use them on a daily basis because they wont be stable. They are just for show.

Jamnog - so you gonna fit that pelt? How many watts is it?

Stixs - my next goal is 3.8. I reckon i could boot up my pc at $ 4 G'g but not load windows. I'll try and do it and get a screen shot.

If i'm not posting replys for a little while, you'll know why :D
well dielectric is some thing traditionally that transfers magnetic but not electric energy as it was first coined in the use of a capacitor insulation plate only the magnetic energy was lines of magnetic flux. ... hmm its since then been mutated into a bunch of other meanings at least i think it has.
Thermal compund is good enough. The only reason you need any of this is just to fill up empty air which would condence. But i doubt your gonna get minus temps with a pelt amyway.
I would have to say, i totally dont like pentium cpus. I am an AMD fan. Ive got an Athlon XP 2200 which speeds me around the computing world pretty fast I would say :)
i was thinking of getting this for my amd 2600+chip and a new case with some neons lights/neon fan. one of them cases with the the clear side.
About 4 years ago I assembled a water cooler for my AMD K6 450. It worked pretty well for about 2 weeks... then :) it leaked... Needless to say I had to build a whole new system which is what I am running to this day. Nothing too spectacular, T-Bird 700 and 512 RAM and a few other little gizmos... however I can run pretty much everything under the sun, including the power hungry Unreal 2. Will upgrade ONLY if DeusEx 2 won't play... when it comes out. When I built this system I paid no attention to expenses and it has paid off.
I too was an amd fan. But i crushed the cores so many times. Plus they heat up so much. The new P4 has got the alloy chunck on the core so there is no risk of damage. And they produce less heat. I read that some p4's are able to run for a little while without a heatsink. Also p4's will cut out if they overheat whereas amd will stay on until they burn out.

cryosi have u seen the new lian li aquarium case


If i had to buiild a new pc, id get one. I've seen it in the shop and it looks wicked. It even has bubbles coming out the gravel and fish bobbing around
Wouldn't it be a good idea to house the CPU in a fish tank, then you could have liquid cooling and a nice heated tropical tank at the same time !!! LOL :lol:

<From Caz27's other half>

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