My New Tank


Nov 19, 2012
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My new 323litre tank its a fluval profile 1200 with a fluval 405 external pump.
Anyone know how many fish i could have in this once its been filled with some more stuff, aiming for the bogwood/stone/live plant natural look.
Also anyone else who has this tank can you tell me if there ment to be something between the cabinet and the bottom of the tank, theres about 10mm of gap between and im worried about if it can handle the weight.

The fish im plannin on getting.....
1 x common pleco
4 x tiger barbs
possibly some sort of snail eating loach as with live plants there could be chance of a snail outbreak
I would say that tank is too small for a common pleco.
You would need more tiger barbs IMO and they would really limit stocking potential.

Anyone know how many fish i could have in this once its been filled with some more stuff,

How long is a piece of string?
Unanswerable question, depends on what fish you want to get.
The missus wants the tiger barbs lol, im just wanting a pleco atm i may go for a smaller breed pleco if a common will outgrow this tank.

Ideally i want a school of fish + pleco and maybe some others
If you are willing to spend a bit of money (usually i find around £50 for most species) there are some great pleco's that reach a decent size without being too big.
Tiger Barbs are definitely do-able, you would just need a bigger shoal and as i said, they would limit other options. I personally don't like to tie myself down to such fish before seriously looking into it, which you may have done already and decided it is worth it, they really are a great fish.

If you have your heart set on the Tiger Barbs, which there is nothing wrong with because they are lovely fish as i said, completely ignore me here but i am going to throw out an idea. You could have Five-Banded Barbs, which are similar to tigers in a way ( i think so anyway) but without so much baggage. If you did this you could have some of these as well as another shoal (all dependant on numbers of course) of a different fish and maybe one or two centre fish.

Anyway, look into and see what you think. No need to rush things.
Were gonna go to the lfs and see whats about, one fish did catch my eye but was unnamed.
Will shoaling fish only shoal with the same breed or will they all just go together?
Really depends on the kinds of fish but they prefer their own specific breed as a general rule. What are you thinking?
I was just wondering as a few diff fish all in one shoal would look good and i wouldnt be restricted to one breed.

Im still quite concerned about the gap betwen the bottom and cabinet of my tank.
I am not familiar with the Profile series but my Roma (made by fluval) is designed to need no extra support, most good tanks are nowadays. It should say on their website.
Some Rasbora's/Danios's/Tetra's etc will shoal together but some will not, let us know if you have any ideas and i will try to suggest a good course of action. I think most fish look better in a single species shoal anyway TBH.
I thought the bottom pain of glass would need to sit flat on the cabinet, i dont wanna load it up with ornaments for the bottom to collapse lol. Cant find much info about it on the net.
Plastic between the glass and cabinet is a good thing. The plastic means the glass is as flat ad possible, the glass may be stressed if it is flat on the cabinet due to any unevenness. I assume the glass is on an attached plastic support which is in turn on the cabinet?
New stocking ideas,
1x common pleco
some torpedo barbs
2x silver sharks

Have done alot ot the tank now, got some slate caves in there and im waiting for a delivery for 2 large peices of bogwood, also got another batch of plants today.
Silver Sharks as in Bala Sharks? Im afraid they get far too big for your tank.
Silver sharks need shoals and are way too active for a tank of that size sadly.
I would say that tank is too small for a common pleco.
You would need more tiger barbs IMO and they would really limit stocking potential.

Anyone know how many fish i could have in this once its been filled with some more stuff,

How long is a piece of string?
Unanswerable question, depends on what fish you want to get.

Twice the length from the middle. That's a kind of awnser
Everything i plan on getting will be to big for my tank lol, i had 2 common plecos in a 3ft tank and they were fine for years and this tank is way bigger.

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