My New Tank

Almost forgot to put a pic of my pleco up to show you how big they get... And bare in mind mines only around 10 inches so around half it's potential size...

Here it is...



He is obviously going to get around 18 inches or so but they tend to grow quite slowly after they get around a foot or so
I've had my common about 6 years and he seems to have maxed out at about 12" hasn't grown for a good 2 years now. And bala sharks suck anyway why does everyone want to get them. They are ugly boring looking fish i'd rather have an empty tank. So Dbanner when u getting this 8ft tank then?
Sounds stunted mate. I agree about Bala's.

Well I did want the tank in September or October but run into a few problems and it got put on hold. I then decided to wait until Christmas is out of the way as iv got an 8 year old daughter to buy for. I'd rather get her what she wants and then il get my tank :) I'm looking around January maybe February. Good things come to those who wait. My 120 gal is doing me just fine for now. I only have the flowerhorn and now the plec so no real rush to upgrade although at the same time I'm still excited lol
The thing with the bala sharks is ''shark'' lol, ive gone past that fase now.

I got deliverd a 22kg peice of bogwood today, its stunning roughly 3ft long 20'' high and about 7'' thick, its got lots of different holes/place's for the pleco to hide, the picture doesnt do it justice but for £45 posted you cant say no.

My dog is just itching to chew it.

That's is a mean piece of wood you got there. I'd love something like that in my tank. Maybe when I restock, my flowerhorn takes up all the tank space as it is lol
That bit of wood will look nice. And im pretty sure my plec isn't stunted. Got it at about half an inch had him in a 4x2x2 When he reached about 4" he was in a 6x2x2. Fish won't always reach there maximum size just because they can or have in some1 elses tank. Also I don't feed it
Ah yeah that's a fair point. There are a lot of factors to take into account as I suppose. If your pleco is healthy then that's all that matters.
My pleco was scared of my goldfish lol, since i put the goldy in the pond the pleco has been out loads.
I sadly had to rehome my pleco after just 2 days
my flowerhorn was battering him around the tank.

Thats the problem with flowerhorns they just get so mean. And trying to fish fish into an established FH tank is a nightmare.
One of my tiger barbs came down with swim bladder yesterday and its now dead!!! very annoying
You mean an infection of the swim bladder? What were the symptoms? All the others ok?
I sadly had to rehome my pleco after just 2 days
my flowerhorn was battering him around the tank.

Thats the problem with flowerhorns they just get so mean. And trying to fish fish into an established FH tank is a nightmare.

Yeah your right there. I won't be trying any other fish with him. He will have the tank to himself
It was swimming very unbalanced at first, then it was just laying on the bottom and hiding. I put it in a breeding tank that floats so i could keep and eye on him.

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