My New Marine Tank

Right got my phosphate test kit and its testing at 0.5-1 so fine.

I have a big water change ready for tomorrow evening and I'm getting my first fish on Sunday :)

Any hints?
Oh...the manual with the test kit states:

0-1mg the ideal concentration of phosphate should not be greater than 1...

I've got another 40% to change i nteh morning anyway so it should reduce further. The cyano has receded lots sicne the last big water change.
Oh...the manual with the test kit states:

0-1mg the ideal concentration of phosphate should not be greater than 1...

I've got another 40% to change i nteh morning anyway so it should reduce further. The cyano has receded lots sicne the last big water change.
it should be no higher, than 0.015ppm
erm ok the water change will help.

The manual states it's in mg/L...
I dunno about 0.015, heck no hobby-level chemical test kit can reasonably measure that far down, you really need a photometric sensor to really detect levels that small. FWIW 0.03ppm would be fine IMO
I dunno about 0.015, heck no hobby-level chemical test kit can reasonably measure that far down, you really need a photometric sensor to really detect levels that small. FWIW 0.03ppm would be fine IMO

Sorry to Hijack but ware would you find a"photometric sensor " bet they cost a few but didnt relise you could get a phosphate sensor?
They're not real-time sensors gary. Dunno what's available there in the UK, but here in the States, Hannah makes a phosphate meter that works via photometry. You still have to use a special test tube and prepare a solution for the sensor to read. It's not like a pH meter ;). But they are expensive... Round $150-$200 for most here
Hi all,

Well I prepped a water change and did about 15% in the end. I've got another 15% left so will look at doign this over the bank holiday.


2 Percula Clown - red (Amphiprion percula) from TMC bought at Maidenhead Aquatics in Morden for £22 each.

They're really small and after acclimatisign for about 6 hours I finally put them in. This morning they are fine and fed well :)

Very happy :D

Will post pics later!

P.S. How do i modify the thread subtitle to say *Fish added* or something???!
Go into the fist post and edit, you will need to select full edit and the first poat will open again. It is then just a matter of changing the second title line.

Pics would be good :good:
Cool - thanks! I'll edit it tonight with my pics :)

Yeh I only have one (poor) one on my mobile so I'll get the lights on tonight and get some better ones - they're quick little things though!
As promised:

Apologies for the awful quality but my camera doesn't seem to like the fast moving clowns!

edit: tried a full tank shot:

They do look nice, what type are they??

Apologies for the awful quality but my camera doesn't seem to like the fast moving clowns!

Notice from the pic you have a sony camera, does it have a shutter priority mode?? you may need to use a flah with it if you do. Try the different settings if you have them. Another tip is to raise the ISO if you can.

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