My New Marine Tank

yeh ISO is up at 400 (max).

Macro is good but not for these guys - they move too quick!

I could post a video - what's the best place to do that?
Well no update for a while so I've got some new pics. I got a new fish which you can just about see in one of the pics - a regal tang. I know the tank is too small for her but I'll be upgrading eventually and you can see her in the second pic hiding (sleeping) in the rocks. She's about 2inches at the mo and settled in nicely.

Stats as of tonight are:

Temp: 25
SG: 1.026
pH: 8-8.2
NitrIte: 0
NitrAte: 0-10
Amonia: 0
phosphate: 0-0.25 (hard to tell in the light but there's a very light blue tint to it)

As you can see from the FTS I'm suffering still from the cyano. It's nowhere near as bad as it was and i've now added rowaphos which seems to be helping (only added last week).

I've had a couple of losses. 1 of the hermits i found in pieces one day - i think the big one got him (see third pic) and one snail i found upside down and pecked. Otherwise I have 4 snails, 2 hermits and the cleaner shrimp still in there!


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