My New Marine Tank

The algae is normal during the cycling so dont worry to much about it. You could do a water change if you wanted but I personally would just wait until the cycle is finished and do a big one then.

I would cut your lighting times down as well to around 8 hours (or less as you have no livestock yet) this will help keep the algae growth down too.

With the powerheads try turning them on and off quickly a couple of times to get the air out of them (they tend to get air build in the impeller quite a bit when they are new).

What size is the tank?
Sorry about the delay but here are some more photos:

As you can see there is a bit of algae going on (but you say this is normal) I'm thinking of getting my first critters this weekend as long as the readings are ok - a few snails, crabs and a cleaner shrimp - sound ok?

The tank is a juwel rio 125.

I've not done any more tests as i'm going to wait until midweek but the PH has gone up to 8.1 tonight according to the digi meter.

I've turned the lights onto less time but i was expecting more corraline (or any!) to grown - how long does it take?

I've also got a V2 400 skimmer on the way - when do you recommend connecting it up - when i add fish or the cleanup crew?


Coraline takes a while to grow and is more about keeping water chemistry just-so than it is lighting :) You can add CUC so long as you have some algae for them to eat when your cycle is finished :)
Ok then! I'm so keen to get on and it's only really been just over 2 weeks!

I'll check the readings on saturday - if they're ok i'll do a water change and then introduce my crabs/snails and a shrimp on Sunday if they've got a good stock at the LFS!
Update 1/3/9

pH: 7.8/7.9
Nitrite: 0.25
Nitrate: 0
Amonia: 0

I was hoping to get my first inverts today but I'm not so sure the readings are good?? Any advice and shold i do a water change?

I've got a fair amount of algae and was hoping to get a clean up crew along!
If you're sure about the nitrIte reading I'd advise a little more caution :)
Well I'm jsut going by the colours! the mix matched the 0.25 colour.

I shall re-run it tonight.
Right I've done pH and NitrIte again:

pH: 8.1 on the digi and this is confimred with the test as well.
NitrIte: 0

So am I correct in thinking that it's water change and then I can add my CUC?

I won't be able to do that until the weekend at the earliest though unless I take a day off...

Thinking of taking Thursday off to get the "crew"!

Awesome - i'll get teh water ready tonight :)

How much should i change? Was thinking of doing about 1/4?

Also my clean up crew:

1x cleaner shrimp
5x snails
5x hermit crabs

Sound ok for a start?

There LOTS of algae at the moment so plenty for them to munch on :)
Sounds fine on the crew. As for the waterchange, what are your NitrAtes?

I'm liking the look of your LR aquascape :good:
Nice beginning :nod: Can't wait to see your new critters :)

Could you maybe not shrink your pics so much? It'd be easier to see them. :)
Thanks guys. I'm just prepping the new water for the change.

NitrAtes are under 10 at the moment. I assume this will drop with a water change.

Can't wait to guy my little guys in there. It needs a CLEAN! I'll get photos this afternoon or tonight :)

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