spurry it will take about a week for them to come out with free swimming fry .... im just waiting on my albino pair of pulchers to bring out theres as they have been wrigglers for about 2-3 days at the moment so another 2 days and they should be out .... as takes 2 days from eggs being laid to wriggler stage ..... if they are succesful then the sex ratio of the young will depend on the Ph of your water around 6.5 and you should get an even sex ratio, lower ph and you will get more males and higher ph of 6.9ish and you will get more females ..... but fingers crossed for your 1st spawn pal ... i wouldnt mind a few if they do lol as not got this aquarium strain as of yet
yes fingers crossed, if it only 2 days from egg to wrigglers then the must have only just spawned and when i looked this morning i could have been right then no eggs lol
well there there now...

good job i did not leave it 2 till weekend to rescape as i my have lost all
i will let you know what happens...