My New Kribensis Taeniatus ***help Ive Wrigglers***

spurry it will take about a week for them to come out with free swimming fry .... im just waiting on my albino pair of pulchers to bring out theres as they have been wrigglers for about 2-3 days at the moment so another 2 days and they should be out .... as takes 2 days from eggs being laid to wriggler stage ..... if they are succesful then the sex ratio of the young will depend on the Ph of your water around 6.5 and you should get an even sex ratio, lower ph and you will get more males and higher ph of 6.9ish and you will get more females ..... but fingers crossed for your 1st spawn pal ... i wouldnt mind a few if they do lol as not got this aquarium strain as of yet

yes fingers crossed, if it only 2 days from egg to wrigglers then the must have only just spawned and when i looked this morning i could have been right then no eggs lol
well there there now... :good: ive just checked on them and the female is making house again i take it thats a good sign

good job i did not leave it 2 till weekend to rescape as i my have lost all

i will let you know what happens... :good:
spurry it will take about a week for them to come out with free swimming fry .... im just waiting on my albino pair of pulchers to bring out theres as they have been wrigglers for about 2-3 days at the moment so another 2 days and they should be out .... as takes 2 days from eggs being laid to wriggler stage ..... if they are succesful then the sex ratio of the young will depend on the Ph of your water around 6.5 and you should get an even sex ratio, lower ph and you will get more males and higher ph of 6.9ish and you will get more females ..... but fingers crossed for your 1st spawn pal ... i wouldnt mind a few if they do lol as not got this aquarium strain as of yet

yes fingers crossed, if it only 2 days from egg to wrigglers then the must have only just spawned and when i looked this morning i could have been right then no eggs lol
well there there now... :good: ive just checked on them and the female is making house again i take it thats a good sign

good job i did not leave it 2 till weekend to rescape as i my have lost all

i will let you know what happens... :good:

yes sounds like a good sign as my albinos at the moment have the coconut blocked up with sand so will have to wait and find out
It's getting good anything that swims past the opening of the coconut he chases them away...

Better get some thing to cover the filter intake tomorrow
ohh dear my sone say he can not see the eggs no more, and they have moved house and making house in another coconut, but they do keep going in the old one...
ohh dear my sone say he can not see the eggs no more, and they have moved house and making house in another coconut, but they do keep going in the old one...

it maybe the case that they have hatched into wrigglers and moved or in the process of moving them to a different cave .... my albino pulchers have done this .... laid in one cave and move to another after hatching so although things seem bad at the moment then it may not be as bad as you think but just keep an eye on them and see what happens :)
HELP ME, Your right they moved them ive just looked in the new house they have built and i think i have wrigglers or the sand is vibrating for some reason lol
looks a good 20+ maybe,

what do i do now, how do they feed, get some hot water and towels :crazy: hang on that's the wrong situation :shout:

any advice is more than welcome... :good:

Food: do you have java moss? There they will find a lot of food to eat... Other options: hikari's first bites, finely crushed flakes, newly hatched brine shrimp, soaked brine shrimp eggs...
Nope no java moss guess I could get some
I've some flake dust/bits in the empty tub, as wriggles in the coconut
How do they feed ?
lol, said it wouldnt be long :)

pop to your local shop and pickup some fry food and just drop it on their heads. Powdered stuff will be best, don't get liquifry unless its the power one.

even finely crushed tetra prima will do the job, but has to be ever so fine.
lol, said it wouldnt be long :)

pop to your local shop and pickup some fry food and just drop it on their heads. Powdered stuff will be best, don't get liquifry unless its the power one.

even finely crushed tetra prima will do the job, but has to be ever so fine.
Cheers I'm lucky I still have the after a full rescape and sub change

What about food for the wrigglers there going to be in the coconut for a few day
Arnt they ?
Have you seen the parents coming out with them already for a short time a day? If not, don't feed. If they are coming out, do as Tizer says. You can also try to drop it just in front of the entrance of the cave and see whether mum takes her children out.
right not to worry as the wrigglers dont eat anything until there free swimming as they still consume there yoak sack so that will be there food for the moment but the best food to feed them in banana worm (live culture) then onto bigger worms like microworms and walter worms then finaly onto crushed flake and anything else you put in the tank ..... my albino pulchers have come out with free swimming fry this morning so ill be feeding them there 1st food in a bit ....... where abouts in yourkshire are you cos i have 4 liveworm cultures up and running and they cost next to nothing to keep going so your welcome to one of my cultures if you fancy a trip to chesterfield

but neither the less congrats on the spawn and lets hope they manage to raise them well
also a little pointer be carefull when there freeswimming and you turn your lights off in the afternoon as fish are light sensitive like we are and once you turn the lights off and its too dark the fry scatter and thats the main time in which they get lost from there parents and get eaten by other fish
right not to worry as the wrigglers dont eat anything until there free swimming as they still consume there yoak sack so that will be there food for the moment but the best food to feed them in banana worm (live culture) then onto bigger worms like microworms and walter worms then finaly onto crushed flake and anything else you put in the tank ..... my albino pulchers have come out with free swimming fry this morning so ill be feeding them there 1st food in a bit ....... where abouts in yourkshire are you cos i have 4 liveworm cultures up and running and they cost next to nothing to keep going so your welcome to one of my cultures if you fancy a trip to chesterfield

but neither the less congrats on the spawn and lets hope they manage to raise them well
also a little pointer be carefull when there freeswimming and you turn your lights off in the afternoon as fish are light sensitive like we are and once you turn the lights off and its too dark the fry scatter and thats the main time in which they get lost from there parents and get eaten by other fish

im in leeds m8, ive just looked and not much sign in the coconut of wriggling movement so im not sure there still there, or they may be in a part i can not see and ready to start swimming
last thing for now my filter inlet i rand my mum up and she has dropped of some tight socks should i just put it over the filter and tie it off

Congratulations matey. :)
cheers m8 i hope there still in the coconut
Yeah, use an elastic band of tie wrap to hold it in place. If you have the option of a small 18x10 tank then it maybe an idea to move the parents to there with a sponge filter for them to try again if this lot don't survive.

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