My New Kribensis Taeniatus ***help Ive Wrigglers***

what store was it as ill even ring them up and tell them they have it all wrong ?

Nooooo please don't they will know it was me lol, i did tell them though i was looking in to what exactly they are and he said that's how we get them and he did not know the strain

once again im well happy with them and im glad it got people talking, makes it more interesting when you find out you dont just have the normal ones if you get me, lol....
what store was it as ill even ring them up and tell them they have it all wrong ?

Nooooo please don't they will know it was me lol, i did tell them though i was looking in to what exactly they are and he said that's how we get them and he did not know the strain

once again im well happy with them and im glad it got people talking, makes it more interesting when you find out you dont just have the normal ones if you get me, lol....

id only ring up and tell them what they are and the have them labled with wrong picture and wrong name as if i went to the store today and saw them .... to work in an aquatic shop you need to have a good knowledge of what fish you keep and if you dont then refer to books or a member of staff that should know the difference there are 2 very good books that anyone interested in pelvicachromis should own
Nice fish! A friend of mine has several of these kribensis type cichlids as well and he regularly refers to them as his non lake African cichlids. :rolleyes:

like it :hey: kribensis type cichlids, i carnt even say there real name, Pelvicachromis taeniatus klugei :hey:
id only ring up and tell them what they are and the have them labled with wrong picture and wrong name as if i went to the store today and saw them .... to work in an aquatic shop you need to have a good knowledge of what fish you keep and if you dont then refer to books or a member of staff that should know the difference there are 2 very good books that anyone interested in pelvicachromis should own

ok it was leeds maidenhead
thanks for the book links as well will take a look.. :good:
Nice fish! A friend of mine has several of these kribensis type cichlids as well and he regularly refers to them as his non lake African cichlids. :rolleyes:

like it :hey: kribensis type cichlids, i carnt even say there real name, Pelvicachromis taeniatus klugei :hey:
id only ring up and tell them what they are and the have them labled with wrong picture and wrong name as if i went to the store today and saw them .... to work in an aquatic shop you need to have a good knowledge of what fish you keep and if you dont then refer to books or a member of staff that should know the difference there are 2 very good books that anyone interested in pelvicachromis should own

ok it was leeds maidenhead
thanks for the book links as well will take a look.. :good:

the 1st book by is by far the cheapest but the 2nd wow expencive but its deffiently worth having regardless of the price, i will when ive got more time make a thread of the pelvicachromis i have got and kept as im sure it will help alot of people with i.d on there fish or if not they will know who to ask lmao
woohoo finally have a better photo of my female, here you are enjoy.. :good:

I was in to photography well before fish, though I don't have the equipment I had then,
Ive just got a canon 550 now I do want a macro lens for the fish photo ooh they will be so sharp with that
I was in to photography well before fish, though I don't have the equipment I had then,
Ive just got a canon 550 now I do want a macro lens for the fish photo ooh they will be so sharp with that

blimmy i wish i had one of them for taking pics thats miles beond what im using at the moment lol id love one like yours though .... but its saving up enough money to buy one as want one without batterys as doesn my nut in lol .... byt no wonder why you have such good photos lol
Thanks I'm not that far from you, if I'm ever in that neck of the woods i will come and photograph them for you....
I have a pair of Nigerian Red's from Peterclark, very nice fish. Mine are starting to get their all over red colouring now.
anyway yes if theres no eggs you will be ok and they will look to breed somewhere else after everythings settled down and they best way is to carefully lift up the coconut and have a peak in there ... if you have a torch etc that can be handy to see the eggs with if your gentle and dont do it very fast then your have less chance of making them to nervous but yes ive had some spawn before after just a day lol but if you manage to see the female and see has gone alot skinnier then there is a high chance she has laid eggs .... usualy the female will disapear for a week not to be seen while the male defends the outside ... chasing anything off

well i looked and there are no eggs
so i have been and got the new sub and 4 new black buckets, anyway after removing half the water and the scape i was left with fish

so first i removed there coconut and maybe i should have gone to Specsavers there was eggs :blush: little brown ones and about 20ish so i put it and them on there own in a bucket
they went right in the coconut

after the rescape i placed the coconut is much the same place as it was before i put the fish in right where the coconut is and they both went in and if im luck it all looks well
one more reason i thought they had not spawned yet was they both left the coconut un guarded but i guess there only young and may take a few time to get it right

how long before the hatch if the do, im so excited :hyper: but i no it may not happen if that the case better look next time.. :good:
I have a pair of Nigerian Red's from Peterclark, very nice fish. Mine are starting to get their all over red colouring now.
My Nigerian Red's, also from Peter!


ohhhh hey mark i didnt know you were on this forum aswel lol yes you have the parents of the ones that Paradise<3 does lol and spurry it will take about a week for them to come out with free swimming fry .... im just waiting on my albino pair of pulchers to bring out theres as they have been wrigglers for about 2-3 days at the moment so another 2 days and they should be out .... as takes 2 days from eggs being laid to wriggler stage ..... if they are succesful then the sex ratio of the young will depend on the Ph of your water around 6.5 and you should get an even sex ratio, lower ph and you will get more males and higher ph of 6.9ish and you will get more females ..... but fingers crossed for your 1st spawn pal ... i wouldnt mind a few if they do lol as not got this aquarium strain as of yet

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