Lol, I see you found the thread the peter.
Told you he would be able to identify them for you.
Kane, if they're nigerian reds then they're taeniatus. But I believe there is a pulcher 'super red' ? Maybe that's them?
I hadnt heard of super reds, but I did research that the nigerian strains are taeniatus

As for them being 'super reds' i cant really see much difference to p pulchers.. Cant really see much red apart from the pink bellies so its difficult, will have a google.
Peter do you have a way for us to look at some of the pelvicachromis you have, I've only just purchased my first kribs, apparently pel. Pulcher nigerian red, although I seriously doubt this, im really enjoying them so far and have been reading up on other pelvicachromis
if you brought them off ebay then there not taeinatus nigerian reds they will be a simular form of the super red pulcher ... ive had countless debates with this seller over miss identification but cos he has them listed as pulchers which they are then ebay cant do anything about it ..... but sure ive got countless pics of mine but for a better view them check out my youtube channel
My You Tube Channel
i will make a new thread later with some pics of mine
I actually got them from my lfs, labelled as P Pulcher Nigerian Red, obviously not, but what can you do. They also had P Taeinatus, but just labelled as that so not sure what they are.
That would be great

will check the vids