My New Kribensis Taeniatus ***help Ive Wrigglers***

They're not kribs mate, so don't call them that. If they spawn and you come to sell them with 'krib' in the name then you won't get nothing for them.

Look to be nigerian yellows to me. Pm peterclarke666 for a definate id.

If they do spawn and you want to rescape, I would wait as it may cause them to eat the eggs/fry.

PeterClarke666 regularly has youngsters of these for sale and other less common West African dwarf cichlids. I'm fairly sure he will not be charging quite as much as a fish store.
They're not kribs mate, so don't call them that. If they spawn and you come to sell them with 'krib' in the name then you won't get nothing for them.
Ok firstly forgive me if I've upset you, I only went on what they are labeled up as in maidenhead if and if they are what you say they are I will call they by there proper name
pelvicachromis taeniatus nigerian yellow ;)

The thought of selling the fry never came across my mind ;) but thanks I will make sure I sell them if any with there real name once I have it 100% confirmed

I found this photo ( there not mine ) closest I could find they do look like this


yeh these nigerian yellows belong to ste chester (ste12000) from the british cichlid association but the ones you have here are an aquarium strain called Pelvicachromis taeniatus klugei another member of the bca has them and they are an exact match in looks and markings .... a very nice fish niehter the less ... heres a link to the bca thread about them

hope this has helped with the id of these fish

also thanks for considering me with the help on the id minnnt but as we know the pelvicachromis strain are my specialtity and passion lol im breeding 10 different strains of pelvicachromis at the moment lol .... any more help i can give just ask :D

also a quick question but didnt the store you brought them from have them labled as anything ? alot of fish shops do get the ids wrong aswel but be good to let the store know what they are actualy selling if they didnt
the ones you have here are an aquarium strain called Pelvicachromis taeniatus klugei
heres a link to the bca thread about them

hope this has helped with the id of these fish
yes that looks like them thanks very much ;)
i was trying to get some better photos for you to look at ive just spent 2hrs with my canon DSLR and i coould only get the male at the moment as the female is busy making house....
here a few i got hope you like them


as ive said a few time im rescape this week and that would mean moving the house they seem to be building will this effect the bond they seen to have
if they do spawn will i end up with fry in my filter ive a fluvel 305 ?

the ones you have here are an aquarium strain called Pelvicachromis taeniatus klugei
heres a link to the bca thread about them

hope this has helped with the id of these fish
yes that looks like them thanks very much ;)
i was trying to get some better photos for you to look at ive just spent 2hrs with my canon DSLR and i coould only get the male at the moment as the female is busy making house....
here a few i got hope you like them


as ive said a few time im rescape this week and that would mean moving the house they seem to be building will this effect the bond they seen to have
if they do spawn will i end up with fry in my filter ive a fluvel 305 ?


if you can catch them before spawning then it shouldnt be a problem ... but if they do spawn then you may loose the fry cos i see you have corydoras so they will be the 1st to get in there and snack on them ..... if they dont however and its not a big re-scape then its possible that if you dont disturb the parents to much then they will move the wrigglers to another cave like structure but all depends on your re-scape but if you can try not to disturb them as much as you can and work around them ..... or check for eggs as your doing the rescape if they have eggs get a plastic container over the cave to keep them save .... just an idea :)

anyway happy to help and good luck with them

p.s did the store you brought them from have them labeled or say what they were when you were buying them ???
or check for eggs as your doing the rescape if they have eggs get a plastic container over the cave to keep them save .... just an idea :)

p.s did the store you brought them from have them labeled or say what they were when you were buying them ???

it was going to be a big rescape all new, so if i look for eggs and there is none then im ok ? and when ive rescaped the will make a new house ?
is they spawn in the coconut how will i no ?
ive only had them 3 days as well so would the spawn that fast ?

i got them from maidenhead and the was labelled just as Kribensis Taeniatus

many thanks
or check for eggs as your doing the rescape if they have eggs get a plastic container over the cave to keep them save .... just an idea :)

p.s did the store you brought them from have them labeled or say what they were when you were buying them ???

it was going to be a big rescape all new, so if i look for eggs and there is none then im ok ? and when ive rescaped the will make a new house ?
is they spawn in the coconut how will i no ?
ive only had them 3 days as well so would the spawn that fast ?

i got them from maidenhead and the was labelled just as Kribensis Taeniatus

many thanks

bloody hell i hate it when stores dont even know what there stocking .... maidenheads ment to be one of the biggest chain stores and they cant even sell them under the correct name :S (sighs) anyway yes if theres no eggs you will be ok and they will look to breed somewhere else after everythings settled down and they best way is to carefully lift up the coconut and have a peak in there ... if you have a torch etc that can be handy to see the eggs with if your gentle and dont do it very fast then your have less chance of making them to nervous but yes ive had some spawn before after just a day lol but if you manage to see the female and see has gone alot skinnier then there is a high chance she has laid eggs .... usualy the female will disapear for a week not to be seen while the male defends the outside ... chasing anything off
Ok thanks again, should I cover the filter with some mesh my fluval will suck them up pretty fast

If there's no eggs over the next few days then I'm going to whip every thing out of the tank and rescape it so it's all done just the planting to do then

How many time a year do the spawn

The male likes digging around the play sand lol

In the end I'm glad they have turned out to be some thing different ie: not the normal

Sorry about all the questions
Ok thanks again, should I cover the filter with some mesh my fluval will suck them up pretty fast

If there's no eggs over the next few days then I'm going to whip every thing out of the tank and rescape it so it's all done just the planting to do then

How many time a year do the spawn

The male likes digging around the play sand lol

In the end I'm glad they have turned out to be some thing different ie: not the normal

Sorry about all the questions

haha fire the questions away pal im always happy to help ..... if there are wrigglers/fry then mesh yh or even something like womans tights do a bloody good job lol just cut the foot part off and stick it round the inlet cage ...... blimmy spawning ... well they can spawn anywhere from 2weeks apart but depends on how long you leave them with there young as keeping them with there young till the parents leave them to fend for themselfs which is usualy when they reach around 3/4 inch will stop the parents wanting to breed again ...... but like i say they can spawn every 2 weeks lol .... obviously alot of conditioning on bloodworm is required for that and removing the fry from the parents at an early stage to grow on in a seperate tank etc
Peter do you have a way for us to look at some of the pelvicachromis you have, I've only just purchased my first kribs, apparently pel. Pulcher nigerian red, although I seriously doubt this, im really enjoying them so far and have been reading up on other pelvicachromis

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