My New Cories!

Not 100% sure, but thinking you're C.Elegans are in fact C.Nanus (small sized one)
By the way : There is a large Elegans-group just as an Aeneus-group with species closely related.
Have a look in my ID-book later.

As I earlier mentioned : Try to get some more of one species. They all prefer a big shoal of their own species above a big collection of different ones !! Social behaviour and well being depends largely on that !!!
Hahaha that pic is so different than the ones I found. Why did mother nature made so much species of this fish.
Only bronze should have been enough hihihihihi. Just kidding : Identifieing them just is fun !!!!Dorsal fins seems without any spots / stripes
Got 4 new ones this weekend, wich I think are Leucomelas, but didn't get response untill now from the real experts hahahaha.

Yes, you told indeed you couldn't get more. But I feel a sort of sorry for the C.Metae being alone (he/she is ???).
4 of these guys is just enough I think. But, when / if possible try to get some more from the mentioned / closely related elegans group.

They are really nice !!!
We are thinking they will get the spots/stripes as they mature?
Yeah the other metae died :( but my friend is bringing one over as one of hers died that she got from the same place-maybe problem with the stock or with the heatwave? 
My peppered cories have figured out that when the lid is open - food gets put in. When I opened the lid this morning, they all swam to the top and were "hoovering" the flake as I was putting it in! So adorable! Then they swim down and start digging. 
My ram is also digging, must think it's the norm 
Full tank shot, ram on the left, bronze cory at the front! All the other cories scarpered!
Lovely tank.
eaglesaquarium said:
Lovely tank.
It's a bit bland at the moment, I took all the wisteria out to give the cories more floor space, so was working with the "less is more" theme. I have put my seashells in (PH is still 6.4) now I have planted 2 stalks of wisteria from the fry tank back in as rams like plants and he is quite a shy guy. If the cories are out at the front he will be out too!
I have just been watching my cories and can confirm, 3 of the elegans have started getting the black markings on their dorsal fins! One isn't but I have seen on planet catfish that the females don't have the black markings and some have the gold sheen. I must have taken a pic of the female! Sorry for the awful phone pics, my camera battery is on charge!


They have been behaving erratically the last hour or so. These 2 above have been separated from the plain one and the one with the darkest dorsal fin. If these 2 go near the other 2 they get chased away. I have never seen aggressive behaviour from cories, apart from when the bronze are breeding and it's not really aggressive, more boisterous. 
The darkest male and the female elegans are dancing? in the plants. They are sort of rubbing bodies together and staying very close to each other. Sometimes looks as he is pushing her. If the other 2 go near them they get chased away. They can't be doing the obvious as they are young so what are they doing? Forming a pair for when they are older?
On planet catfish, it says they do not form the t position but doesn't say their behaviours. Should I be worried?
Got a surprise today, my landlady was at the door, she gives me a bag, inside-proper melini! She bought me a pair of melini! See the tall dorsal fin and the proper stripe, diagonally down the back.
Here they are, there's 2 in this pic before anyone gets excited, they are not doing the T position, they are just sitting like that. They are tiny! Same size as the pandas!

Again just the way they are sitting!

I also got 2 pandas, upping them to 4.
Thanks, they were an unexpected surprise! Love them!
Hey yeah those are Melini !!!! Nice. They will get bigger than the panda's.
Ah they must be babies then!

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