My New Cories!

Lol aww.
I am a little worried, I know they are just young, but on planet catfish it shows them with black on the dorsal fin so I am hoping they are definitely elegans. All 4 look like this, the pic is of one of the chunkier ones lol. 
That might develop later, or it might be an individual variation. I've got panda cories that were born in my tank (and they were the only cories in the tank at that time, so I know they are pandas).  Some have a very black dorsal, some have a nearly clear dorsal...  And they come from the exact same parents.  So, I wouldn't fret it too much.  I think you have elegans.
BTW, the fact that you have a contact to Ian Fuller is AWESOME!  I'd love to go to the Amazon with him and be involved in finding a new Corydoras species... Corydoras eagalus. :p
eaglesaquarium said:
That might develop later, or it might be an individual variation. I've got panda cories that were born in my tank (and they were the only cories in the tank at that time, so I know they are pandas).  Some have a very black dorsal, some have a nearly clear dorsal...  And they come from the exact same parents.  So, I wouldn't fret it too much.  I think you have elegans.
BTW, the fact that you have a contact to Ian Fuller is AWESOME!  I'd love to go to the Amazon with him and be involved in finding a new Corydoras species... Corydoras eagalus.
I know they are still young but after the booboo of the melini/metae I am doubting everything now! 
I didn't actually know that people know who he is. He is doing a seminar in a town about 40 mins from me. Myself and my landlady are going, he will be bringing cories as well. I will make sure I take lots of pics! Super excited! 
He was the one who got my landlady her C124's. 
Forgot to add-corydoras eagalus definitely has a ring to it! Corydoras eagalus...the winged cory...
Ok, then I'd love to be at the seminar with you and propose that name for the next species to be named.
eaglesaquarium said:
Ok, then I'd love to be at the seminar with you and propose that name for the next species to be named.
You have 2 weeks to get here! It's on sunday 4th August! 
He's going to be at a lecture near me next month, not as a speaker though just an exhibitor
Lillefishy said:
He's going to be at a lecture near me next month, not as a speaker though just an exhibitor
ooo are you in Scotland too? Are you going?
No, it's in Lancashire, I'm hoping to get there as he'll have fish for sale
Lillefishy said:
No, it's in Lancashire, I'm hoping to get there as he'll have fish for sale
Yeah he said he will be bringing cories for sale, I was going to ask if he will have corydoras duplicareus since I missed out on them.
He's taking adolfoi, green lasers & a few others to the one I'm going to
Work obligations until Aug. 2nd.  Then I have a family trip planned to Lancaster, PA (USA) not Lancaster, UK. :no:
You'll have to suggest it for me. :p

Lillefishy said:
He's taking adolfoi, green lasers & a few others to the one I'm going to
I love the green lasers (and the gold lasers), and much of them actually.
Lillefishy said:
He's taking adolfoi, green lasers & a few others to the one I'm going to
Ah now that I remember-my landlady mentioned them, must be the same he's bringing to this one! I love the green lasers. I really don't have much space though! My 95L/25G has 1 gold ram, 3 bronze, 2 panda, 4 elegans and 1 metae. I am still getting the 6 schultzei too. I really won't be able to get any :(
eaglesaquarium said:
Work obligations until Aug. 2nd.  Then I have a family trip planned to Lancaster, PA (USA) not Lancaster, UK.

You'll have to suggest it for me.

He's taking adolfoi, green lasers & a few others to the one I'm going to
I love the green lasers (and the gold lasers), and much of them actually.
Lol I will suggest it! 

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