My New Cories!

It's official, I now hate you all.

Ny, mama bronze is a whale!
No she uses a guy named Alan, she knows of Lee though, had bad dealings with him which is why she's never went back 
Hahahaha, okay that's not a good idea then. What I meand to say : There are a lot of Coryfanatics in your country. Think they might help you to get some more rare species than the LFS (often cheaper as well). Though I love my cheap (never bought one) C.Paleatus. One of the nicest behaviour they have. Waiting for the glass when feedingtime hahaha (the only species that do)

Two remarks :
- Be carefull with nets over stones. Fins can get stuck in them, with terrible wounds when fish try to break free
- Think your Panda is a bit thin. Please feed them high protein food / bloodworms, brineshrimp aso (maybe you do

Greetings from Holland
frapadoodle said:
It's official, I now hate you all.

Ny, mama bronze is a whale!
She is big isn't she? My landlady's peppers are bigger!
DoubleDutch said:
No she uses a guy named Alan, she knows of Lee though, had bad dealings with him which is why she's never went back 
Hahahaha, okay that's not a good idea then. What I meand to say : There are a lot of Coryfanatics in your country. Think they might help you to get some more rare species than the LFS (often cheaper as well). Though I love my cheap (never bought one) C.Paleatus. One of the nicest behaviour they have. Waiting for the glass when feedingtime hahaha (the only species that do)

Two remarks :
- Be carefull with nets over stones. Fins can get stuck in them, with terrible wounds when fish try to break free
- Think your Panda is a bit thin. Please feed them high protein food / bloodworms, brineshrimp aso (maybe you do

Greetings from Holland
Yeah that's fine. The pandas are still very young, I bought treats yesterday which is what is in that pic, it's a disc like an algae wafer with bloodworm and daphnia. They also get brineshrimp on a sunday. 
DoubleDutch said:
Perfect !
How big do pandas grow? They are still very small. One of them is smaller than the other so must still be a baby.
Panda's are one of the smaller species (between the dwarfs and the normals). Females will be bigger than males. So the "baby" could me a male (and the other way around my wife would say hahahaha)
Ny82 said:
He was just in the tank with the normal ones when in got him. His fins were normal size but since I've had him they have got so long. I'm going to get some more as he is just with one other albino cory at the moment and I found out they need to be in at least 6's.
I saw your pictures of the bronze fry! They look so small and cute! Congratulations!
Aww that's awesome! Preferably in 6's so get him some friends!
I have 2 with the long fins, one with a longer dorsal fin which I think is female. I can't believe they were sold as deformed. I think they are beautiful. 
Thanks, they are getting noticeably bigger so I can stop freaking out lol. It's the first time EVER since owning fish I have had cory fry!
Yer they really are beautiful! I wish I could buy some 'deformed' ones down my way! I get excited when my guppies have fry as I live to watch them grow but I think I will be ecstatic with cory eggs! Ha ha
This is my Paleatuschampion called "yellow". It's no albino . It has dark / blue eyes

Doubledutch he is beautiful!
DoubleDutch said:
Panda's are one of the smaller species (between the dwarfs and the normals). Females will be bigger than males. So the "baby" could me a male (and the other way around my wife would say hahahaha)
Oh I see lol. These are small so maybe still young. 
My long fins have no problems swimming-the only problem I have is I can't take a pic as they are always on the move! Yesterday I was able to take pics as they had just been added. 
Ellie-I watch these like a hawk! I have just undertaken a gravel to sand change and the cories are assuming the t-position again! More fry on the way then lol.
My pandas at their biggest are about 1.5 inches, but most of them are about 1.25 inches (I could convert that to mm if you'd like). ;)
eaglesaquarium said:
My pandas at their biggest are about 1.5 inches, but most of them are about 1.25 inches (I could convert that to mm if you'd like).
lol mines aren't an inch long yet. 
Tomorrow is the day! Hopefully everything goes well, my friend will go and pick up my melini for me! Super excited. The waits been agonising.
I asked the guy to get me 4 of the elegans instead of the 2 I originally ordered, I asked for 5 but he can only get 4. That will do for now. They will be ready to pick up after the 17th. Another week to wait!
frapadoodle said:
You do know it's not polite to brag.
I've waited so long for these! I will make sure everyone knows lol
If having a twitteraccount : Have a look at @corydorasforum Two pics of Melini shot in Germany (Zoo Zajac)
I am so sorry I forgot to add pics! 
DoubleDutch said:
If having a twitteraccount : Have a look at @corydorasforum Two pics of Melini shot in Germany (Zoo Zajac)
I am on twitter so will have a look

Ok firstly the pics



The melini came to me on the friday. I went out on the saturday, I came back and one had died. I didn't notice the tank temp had rocketed up to 28 in the heat. I took my water and tested it-spot on of course, the PH is always low at around 6.4.  My landlady came round and said I could have one of hers. The next day the other that I got died. I don't know what happened. The one my landlady gave me is fine. 
The lfs is giving me 2 replacements so I will give one to my landlady and I will keep one.
I have exciting news. On monday I have 2 more pandas coming and my 4 elegans. Also I managed to get some beautiful corydoras duplicareus. They like soft water so should be fine. There's 4 of them too.
More pics to come monday!

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