My Nano Reef Set-up/diary (upgraded 45g) Step-by-step

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Well I'm happy to be the first to say GOOD LUCK!!! Now that you have the cover you can know if there really is something in there devouring your livestock haha. Best of luck! :good: Ill be waiting to see what happens.
Thanks timpetty just wana say...

Its still alive!!!! ;)

Although it contines to dash into the rockwork and hide whne I enter the room, my damsel has survived its first night and is still alive... for now! I am very surprised as I heard some loud clicking last night coming from the tank and it really did sound like claws snapping rather than the tapping sound I have been hearing recently and thought the fish was a goner!
nice 1 glad hes still going, on another note i found a crab in my tank last night :blink:
i wasn't looking for it i just happened to see his legs in a hole in the live rock so i now in your shoes as in trying to catch the thing.
good luck with yours m8 i hope you find the beastie soon ;)
So far I'm well pleased as Triumph as you like to call him really is triumphing! He's gone 2 full days without mysteriously disapearing and so is still alive! Ive just fed him and he readily ate both flake and frozen! ;)

He is very camera shy though and quickly disapears into the rockwork as soon as I pick my camera up!

I'm just hoping I dont get my hopes up too soon as I really dont want to be losing any more fish.
I've been reading through all your posts, as I've recently started up my own marine tank - needless to say you've been very unlucky!

I hope your new fish is still alive today, and that you are begining a run of good luck now!!

Day 3 and "Triumph" is still alive!!! :hyper:

I keep hearing the clicking and more recently a "clawing" sound like something scraping through rock but still not sign of any mantis shrimp! :unsure:

Anyways I'l quit boring you about that and have instead took a few pics of my tank and thought I woud share them with you. As you'll be aware my camera aint brilliant and thus the pics dont really do my tank much justice as in real life it is a lot more colourful and vibrant! :nod: But here goes:

Kenya Tree Frag


Random Coral


Florida Ricordea Shrooms- really bad pic but then again they are quite small!


Feather Duster


Caves around the tank










Hope you like the pics. Let me know what you think... :good:
Hey its been a week and the damsel is still ALIVE! I am well pleased :) SO do you wreckon the tank is a mantis free zone then?

The only thing I cannot get my head round is what the hell is making the clicking sounds coming from my tank at night?? Are there any other critters that "click"?
Either there is no mantis or your damsel is trained in the martial arts haha. I would assume that if there is a mantis in there, hed be pretty hungry at this point. Especially with his voracious appetite before. Perhaps the curse is over??? As always, good luck and ill be waiting on your next update.
Hey its been a week and the damsel is still ALIVE! I am well pleased :) SO do you wreckon the tank is a mantis free zone then?

The only thing I cannot get my head round is what the hell is making the clicking sounds coming from my tank at night?? Are there any other critters that "click"?

Pistol shrimp are common hitch-hikers and "click".

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