My Nano Reef Set-up/diary (upgraded 45g) Step-by-step

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Worth reading

Check out the bottom bit about freshwater dipping rocks and getting rid of mantis shrimp. Sounds like the best idea is to skip the FWD and go straight to dumping carbonated water down any caves over a bucket. I'd get a sports drink bottle so you can hold the hole over the bucket and spray up into it. I'd also like to add that I'm still not 100% sold on a predator killing your fish. Who know's though, it's really up to you as the owner. We do wish you only the best though my friend.
If you have already done a dip then chances are there are no mantis in there, and from my experience it would have to be one large mantis to take down a fish, mine is about 1.5" and has never caucght a thing :) A mantis thats big enough to kill healthy fish you would have both seen and herd! Not sure on the pistol shrimp as I dont know much about them, but I suspect like most shrimps they would be supper sensertive to water changes and a dip would have brought them out quickly also. My only worry is a crab of some sort, the fact that you already caught one suggest to me that there is a possibility of another. When my rock came in I had 3 of the same species in it all different sizes and it was only 5kg. But luckily mine are small clawed and reef safe and never venture from their rock hideaways. I personally would just go down the inspection, quick dip of about 1 min, take a good look in all the holes, have a bit of a prod. make sure you have some sort of spot light set up so you can see into the holes easily, that way if anything doesnt like the dip and is not too far into the rock you can see it squirming and no to go further. I would then use the carbonated water, as mentioned above you need a bottle that can be squeezed so you get a good directional flow.
If by any chance you do see something that looks crab like hiding in ahole, keep that piece out and use the technique that Skifletch mentioned on your other post. I actually took a large piece out of my tank and smashed into 4 pieces and still couldnt get my crab out :( But again, a crab big enough to take down a fish will be too big to hide for long.
Nope still not much luck as such. The other day I tore the whole tank apart and dipped every piece of LR individually for 1minute in firstly plain RO water followed immediatelly by a 1minute dip in carbonated water, and you know what I found... NOTHING!!!! Strangely however after having reset my whole tank, I have not heard any clicking since either! So the mystery still remains with regards to where my fish vanished! It really wound me up but at least I have some peace of mind that there is nothing in the tank that is eating my fish (well none that I could find or have seen!) :unsure:

My cleaner shrimp seems to have grown some sort of internal black spot in the last week or 2 on the inside of its chest/body. Upon close inspection it actually looks like its either got approx 10black ribs aside or it's got some sort of internal parasite. I aint got a clue what this is as I have never seen this before, but it seems to be feeding and moving about the tank fine. I was hoping to get another shrimp on the weekend but I am unsure wether to do so now as I don't know if the spot if contagious and deadly or not?!!! :sad:





Also I have started to get some bright green "algae" on the inside corners of my tank on the sealant and was hoping somebody could help ID what it might be and what might get rid of it? I find it gets in the way of viewing my tank. Also the green layers on the sealant seem to be covered in hundreds of tiny white dots that possible look like larvae or eggs!! But could be anything.
The green is only located in the 4 corners of my tank on the sealant and non of my snails have so far touched it!





I am sure I am having the worst luck turning marine ever! I think it's an omen that I should have stuck to FW! :-(
well both of my shrimps have that black spot so i dont think that its anything bad. Ive had my shrimps for 4 months and ive had no problems. Some days the spots are quite big others they are quite small, strange really.

heh whats up with the kangaroo poon drawing? :D

Basically with marine...I think we've ALL had some bad luck. Take it one step at a time. Get your water right. Get your rocks where you want them. Add fish...if they start dying then focus on your corals. If corals are going good, then keep working on that and maybe add another fish later on. The longer you're in it, the more you know. The more you know about medication, prevention, nursing, extermination, etc...the better off you are. You'll be fine. We've all had our battles be it white spot, algae, predatory hitch hikers, it all takes time.

My shrimp also has that black spot...which as you know, I always thought was poop. He's been fine for months. I wouldnt expect your shrimp to die anytime soon.

How are your parameters after those dips?
Talkiing about bad luck, mine don't seem to be getting any better... I came home abit ago to find my cleaner shrimp lieing on it's side on the sand bed in between 2 pieces of LR. :( It was obviously dead but showed no signs/marks of anything having attacked it or even anything attempting to eat it afterwards! My water params are fine other than salinity being a touch higher than normal due to water evaporating! All corals seem happy and none are closed so that to me also confirms water is ok!

The only think I can put the death down to is the internal black spot it had!

I was looking to do a bit of livestock shopping tomoorw and was hoping to get another shrimp or 2 along with a couple more hermits and snails, but not too sure if this is a good idea?! Although all my current CUC seem to be looking good... but then again so was my shrimp until it just decided to kick the bucket!!! :-(

I wouldnt expect your shrimp to die anytime soon.
... You was wrong unfortunately chrissaysyes! :sad:

See me luck is the worst ever when it comes to marine! -_-
1entra.. Im brand new to fishtanks altogether. I have a 24gal Aquapod that I just put the CUC into (no fish or coral yet). I read your entire thread today and enjoyed ur dedication and how you always kept everyone posted. As im sure you know, u have had the worst luck ever on this tank haha. BUT you have persisted and just like a good book, im sure EVERYONE following this thread is dying to find out what is going on in there. Keep at it!! Also, i know im new and you have other problems going on, but you might consider a secondary return from ur hang-on refugium. Place it just above the primary. This way, if the first lower one is blocked, the water will only rise to the second hole and dump into ur main tank. Just a suggestion for someone with your luck!!! GOOD LUCK TO YOU! Ill be sure to follow your thread closely! :good:

Sorry to hear about the shrimp :rip: Poor little guy. As for luck it seems your having everones bad luck for them.
As for the green algae on your silicone, I would say thats something to do with the silicone being new . The algae has found something on/in it to feed on. I have the same green algae growing in places that I never clean, and again my snails wont eat it as its very ingrained to the surface its growing on. Try a soft scourer. the ones you use for cleaning non stick pans. They are usually made from a green fibourous material. I use thes for cleaning everything in my tank as they dont scratch yet do a good job of cleaning.
If it where my tank I would be tempted to just let everything settle for a while, make sure you get no spikes from the dipping and all water stats are good for about 14 days before adding anything. Treat it as if you are first cycling your tank. Slow and steady.
The shrimps death sounds more like a stress response to all the shifting and dipping. They are very sensertive little critters.
Thank you for the comments guys, its really appreciated!

Although I didnt find anything in the LR during the dips, strangly enough the clicking has started again in the tank as of yesterday evening, and today whilst observing the tank I noticed 3 empty hermit crab shells with the front claws/legs of the hermits lieing nearby of 2 of them with a thin film of "skin" hanging off where the body should/used be and looks like it has been devoured by something! :eek:

They defo aint molted before anybody suggests this and have instead been killed/eaten by something and has only happened since the clicking re-started! :-(

Also I hadn't seen my serpant star for a few days until just now when it has decided to come out of the rockwork and had assumed it to be dead! Looking closely at it, one of it's legs is only 3 quarters the length of the rest of them like something tore it off in an attempt to eat it! :unsure:

This really is weird and upsetting and is doing my head in! Does anybody have any suggestions as to what might be going on in the tank and what could be killing off my livestock?

PS. You just beat me typing your post Chrissaysyes ;)

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