My Nano Reef Set-up/diary (upgraded 45g) Step-by-step

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get on that pH man, could be really dangerous.
Yea I'm on it now but I dont really want to be adding additives if I can help it. I think changing the reef salt may help buffer it up a bit, if it dont then I will have to resort to using seachems reef buffer proper pH 8.3. Hopefully it should be sorted soon, but then again all the corals and inverts seem happy enough and non of them are closed or look stressed...!
thats a really nice firefish. When i got my orange one it immedialy darted into my rocks and only now is it becoming confident and comming out of its bolt hole regularly.
Good luck with it, glad to see you havent got a bad predator.

Firstly I'm well happy to say the firefish survived it's first night in my tank which gave me a big sigh of relief as I was realy worried my may go missing overnight and secondly I just fed it some frozen brine and mysis and luckily it aint a finicky eater and started to eat straight away. :D

However I noticed the damsel is a very aggresive eater and being alot faster it took a majority of the food before the firefish could get to it! So I end up having to "shoo" the damsel away and used a baster to squirt food near the firefish so it could eat. :/

I also noticed the damsel do a sort of territorial display with all it's fins raised and shaking its body to try and frighten off the firefish. I will have to keep a close eye on the 2 to make sure the damsel does not bully the firefish :good:
Tank Update

Well its been a while since my last post (last year in fact) so thought I best add a tank update as quaite a lot has been happening since last time.

Firstly I finally managed to put my MH lighting unit up. This required me having to fix a punch bag bracket to the wall rather than drill through the ceiling and attach the unit, I found this the simplest way to get around the problem of how I should get the unit up!

Also notice all the wires that are needed for the whole system!




I also went out and bought myself a pair of Coral Sea Percs on 05.01.2008, well both managed to survive the night and then yesterday when I got back home from work, I noticed there was only one left in the tank. I just could not believe it but the smaller of the 2 had mysteriously disapeared like the others in the past! :-( Now as I have a net cover over the top of the tank I know it could not have jumped out so I'm guessing it died and my CUC ate it, either that or something killed it in the tank, but I cannot justify this nomore as my damsel and firefish have been in the tank for a few weeks now and they are still doing well! :/


Here are a few updated pics of my tank including the livestock, can anybody I.D. what new corals have been added? ;)














Oh yea almost forgot, the other day when I was at the lfs I seen a small colony of bright coloured zoo's and asked the guy how much, he decided he'd just throw them in free as I'm a regular and go there every week. Well anways I got home and after acclimatising the polyps I picked them up to place them into my tank and suddenly the colony moved in my hand causing my to drop it. Anyways on close inspection I realised the polyps were in fact stuck on the back of a small crab!!! I end up gently removing them of the crab with a pair of tweezers as I wernt sure if it was reef safe or not and glued them to a piece of LR in my tank. The crab later got I.D'd as being a decorator crab so I added it to the main tank. Well the following morning I couldn't see the crab anywhere and the same polyp colony had also gone missing. I think it went and found them and put them where they blong on his back!


I hope you like the pics. Let me know what you think... :D
Yeah nice pics,
Good call on the luminaire bracket, may well have to replace my super hot power compacts. but wanted to suspend the pendant from some sort of bracket may well modify your method.
I believe you have bubble coral and some candy corals...kinda blurry though.
BINGO Chris, I know it aint the best pics due to not having a brill camera but your right, I bought myself a trumpet and bubble coral and got some sort of candy cane thrown in free!!! :nod:

Yeah nice pics,
Good call on the luminaire bracket, may well have to replace my super hot power compacts. but wanted to suspend the pendant from some sort of bracket may well modify your method.

Cheers BigC, I looked aound for a means to attach my MH unit without drilling through the ceiling. I wanted something strong enough to be able to defo take the weight of the unit along with being long enough and a 2ft long punch bag bracket seemed to do the trick! ;)
Lookin good 1entra. You can be sure that fixture isn't gonna be falling down with a mount that beefy ;)
btw, your sun coral is looking really nice, how often are you feeding it?
I'm feeding my sun coral once every other day with frozen foods including garic enriched brine shrimp, mysis shrimp and lobster eggs. It seems to know that I feed about 6-7pm every eveing and so opens up around that time daily! ;)

P.S. Ive just seen my decorator crab for the first time just now since introducing to the tank and it has indeed got the same colony of zoo's on it's back that it had when I got it! :/

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