My Marine Journal

I'm afraid I can't bring myself to read all this thread - I took a decision when you first posted to ignore it, however I can't ignore it any longer :crazy:

1) set up your tank with the appropriate amount of sand, LR, movement from a powerhead, heat and salt water
2)test for ammonia, get an ammonia spike
3)test for nitrite, get a nitrite spike
4)test for nitrate, get a nitrate spike
5) do a 50% water change
6) test again, if under 10 then go ahead and buy your cuc after a few days

whilst you are waiting, read, read and then read some more, ask questions....................wait!

7) cuc (will deal with the diatoms)
8) test
9)week later having researched and asked questions buy your fish as long as your tests are ok - ask!
10) week later, test again , 20% water change - then buy your first coral if tests are ok - ask!

Take the Xenia to your lfs (and seems from another post you work in one!) until your tank is ready.

How old are you?

Please listen..............


seffie!! check out the interests part in the profile!!!

I even find you are probably lying about your tank size. You say you have the River Reef Interpet 50 however in your profile you say you have a 6 gallon tank. No wonder you have not posted any photographs yet. A clown will not fit in a 6 gallon let alone 2 and a goby.

Please don't deceive the nice people on here that have spent the last few weeks answering your posts and trying to help you, it sounds like you have been wasting their time.

This is an expensive hobby, what a lot of people forget is that a reef is full of animals, do you even realise corals are animals too??, that tank is barely ok for a quaranteen tank let alone a reef, it is pico size.

Like Seffie, I did try to ignore your posts, but cannot allow animals to suffer. Please don't do it.
the only picture so far is of some liverock, and i dont intend to offend, but i personally do not think you have kept marine/reef, fish/corals before...
if your tank is 6 gallons, it is only suitable for a small goby such as a neon goby, and maybe a shrimp, NOTHING else!!

i seriously suggest that you take everything back including the tank and work out a financial outlay, then procede with a bigger tank, and only when your clued up on everything
no its not i just havent updated for along time. i dont have tropical fish no more either. to prove i will take some photos right now and i will even send you some pictures of my last marine tank if you want
pictures are uploading onto my computer now then i will put them on photobucket. i am furious i have to do this just to prove i am not lying. i have just changed my hobbies then and the reason why it said i am going marine again is because when i started my first marine tank it was a 12 gal jewell tank. i got 2 damsels in it one got stuck in the filter and the other one died so i took my CUC back to the shop and started over in an aqua1 320 which is 6 gal. since then that has been my only tank but i have kept tropical in it.
here we go here is 3 pictures

my tank as a whole

them little corals what where on my rock xenia i think they are dont know what kind

and finaly a shot from above my tank i done this because i could of goten those other 2 pictures from anywhere and you might have accused me of being a lyer again

and im 17 by the way
the only fish suitable for that tank are small gobies etc

and maybe people wouldnt have accused you if you didnt go against what people have advised and said
i am not going against what anyone said you said you could possably get the yellow spot goby then a week later put the clown in. then in this post you have said it is not suitable for a clown. make your mind up. do you want any more pictures by the way. i have been told all sorts of things i dont know what to do from different people.
When people who are giving advice and making sure you don't make the same mistakes many others have made (that is all people are trying to do) yet you constantly ignore them and ask very basic questions that a little reading will give an answer to, you are going to get doubted.

Please listen to stocking advice, if you add that goby first and find by experience and water testing that you will be ok with another or possibly 2 other very small fish, so be it, but you need to gain experience at properly looking after a reef tank before you can run a very small one at maximum capacity. I do not intend to reach that maximum fish capacity until the tank has been set up at least for a few months. This gives me time to get into a routine and watch the tank water stats like a hawk. With your small tank this is going to be what is more important for you.

Please please slow down, Seffies advice was very good, as is her and trods journal, read them, read other journals and avoid making mistakes, that is what peoples journals are used for, look at their experiences so that you can avoid preventable and costly mistakes.
go for the goby tuesday, then wait a week and get the CUC then wait a week and get the clown
i do do readings and i dont ignore peoples advice. i use the forum because you can get a direct answer from questions that might not be on the net. i use this so i get a more accurate responce people who have kept marine for years but all i am seem to be getting is criticisim for something i havent done which is ignore advice. there is a saying there is no such thing as stupid questions. there is on here. i know my questions are simple but i just make sure i get a good reply a few of you are making out as if im a big dumb a$$ who knows nothing at all
alot of us said that it would be too small for clowns, but you said " ive seen it all over the net this tank will be suitable (something along those lines)"

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