My Marine Journal

Things have got a little heated here, so let's draw breath and all start again.

Tony (if I may call you that), as you know you are now in the cycling stage :good:

This is the time to spend ages reading journels and doing loads of research :nod: believe me it is fun

Your tank will start to show diatoms (that brown stuff) - which when your test results are ok, your cuc will make short work of :good:

So, first things first, publish your test results here for us to help you check



Then we can help you decide when you are ready for that all important cuc

The suggestions for cuc are good ones --- do some research on the best place to get them, however the link that TigerIssey gave you would be a good place to start.

Let's stop there for now - fish choice can come later (as I am getting on a bit could you just remind me how many litres of water you have :blush: )

Seffie x


ps - your lr looks good :good: how much do you have?
Things have got a little heated here, so let's draw breath and all start again.

Tony (if I may call you that), as you know you are now in the cycling stage :good:

This is the time to spend ages reading journels and doing loads of research :nod: believe me it is fun

Your tank will start to show diatoms (that brown stuff) - which when your test results are ok, your cuc will make short work of :good:

So, first things first, publish your test results here for us to help you check



Then we can help you decide when you are ready for that all important cuc

The suggestions for cuc are good ones --- do some research on the best place to get them, however the link that TigerIssey gave you would be a good place to start.

Let's stop there for now - fish choice can come later (as I am getting on a bit could you just remind me how many litres of water you have :blush: )

Seffie x


ps - your lr looks good :good: how much do you have?

i have 5kg on show and a further 1kg well just under in chamber 2 next to my heater. my tank is an aquapet 50 . my readings are ph 8.2 amonia 0 nitrite 0 and i bought a nitrite kit today again instead of nitrate so i am back in work tomorrow i will get a NITRITE this time. i have got diatoms showing on my rocks now. SG is 1.023/24. i have done a little reading last night and reasd that when results are like this and there is only a little bit of diatom algea the CUC wil not benefit from the algea as there is no abundance of it. also inverts do not cause amonia unless they are dead in the water. i also further read that adding a fish would give amonia off. amonia what the fish gives off somehow manages to help the diatoms grow more then after about a week get inverts in. please dont critisize me as this is what i read. i am asking you guys if this is true

Things have got a little heated here, so let's draw breath and all start again.

Tony (if I may call you that), as you know you are now in the cycling stage :good:

This is the time to spend ages reading journels and doing loads of research :nod: believe me it is fun

Your tank will start to show diatoms (that brown stuff) - which when your test results are ok, your cuc will make short work of :good:

So, first things first, publish your test results here for us to help you check



Then we can help you decide when you are ready for that all important cuc

The suggestions for cuc are good ones --- do some research on the best place to get them, however the link that TigerIssey gave you would be a good place to start.

Let's stop there for now - fish choice can come later (as I am getting on a bit could you just remind me how many litres of water you have :blush: )

Seffie x


ps - your lr looks good :good: how much do you have?

i have 5kg on show and a further 1kg well just under in chamber 2 next to my heater. my tank is an aquapet 50 . my readings are ph 8.2 amonia 0 nitrite 0 and i bought a nitrite kit today again instead of nitrate so i am back in work tomorrow i will get a NITRITE this time. i have got diatoms showing on my rocks now. SG is 1.023/24. i have done a little reading last night and reasd that when results are like this and there is only a little bit of diatom algea the CUC wil not benefit from the algea as there is no abundance of it. also inverts do not cause amonia unless they are dead in the water. i also further read that adding a fish would give amonia off. amonia what the fish gives off somehow manages to help the diatoms grow more then after about a week get inverts in. please dont critisize me as this is what i read. i am asking you guys if this is true
also there is another small crab in my tank. this ones claws are not black they are dark greyish he is a little bit hairy and brown in colour. cannot get a picture of him as he has found a great place to call home. he just pics stuff od the rocks and puts it to his mouth. is he a pest
explain again on the test kit, you have me confuzzled. of course inverts produce ammonia, through rotting waste. i would bring the SG up to 1.025.

ammonia and light cause diatoms. and fish produce ammonia from the gills when they respire, and from poo

he sounds like a pest, chuck him in a sump where you work
i have done a little reading last night and reasd that when results are like this and there is only a little bit of diatom algea the CUC wil not benefit from the algea as there is no abundance of it. also inverts do not cause amonia unless they are dead in the water. i also further read that adding a fish would give amonia off. amonia what the fish gives off somehow manages to help the diatoms grow more then after about a week get inverts in. please dont critisize me as this is what i read. i am asking you guys if this is true

I found that in the last few days of the cycle the diatoms practically exploded, they were everywhere. Within a week of putting in CUC they had cleared the lot. Results for water tests were good so I added my pair of clownfish (20g tank).

I am waiting a little before adding my first corals and will wait 3-4 weeks before adding the next fish. I want my water quality to stay as good as possible and am allowing more time inbetween additions aswell to allow the bacteria to catch up. I don't want to risk losing anything.
i have done a little reading last night and reasd that when results are like this and there is only a little bit of diatom algea the CUC wil not benefit from the algea as there is no abundance of it. also inverts do not cause amonia unless they are dead in the water. i also further read that adding a fish would give amonia off. amonia what the fish gives off somehow manages to help the diatoms grow more then after about a week get inverts in. please dont critisize me as this is what i read. i am asking you guys if this is true

I found that in the last few days of the cycle the diatoms practically exploded, they were everywhere. Within a week of putting in CUC they had cleared the lot. Results for water tests were good so I added my pair of clownfish (20g tank).

I am waiting a little before adding my first corals and will wait 3-4 weeks before adding the next fish. I want my water quality to stay as good as possible and am allowing more time inbetween additions aswell to allow the bacteria to catch up. I don't want to risk losing anything.

ok i will try to get him tonight. now i already have corals in my tank because some xenia was already on my rock. they are becoming bigger every day they are still not out properly yet as my tank isnt mature however there is one xenia by himself haha waving all over the place and over the past few days oythers have started to grow around him. i have read that this is how they repoduce they rub their stem shall we call it against rocks and asexually repoduce. very clever. i will add my CUC maybee thursday if i can if i bought from that link there would be too many snails in there wouldnt the and there is no turbos in that pack.
Can you get a close up picture of the corals on your LR, not sure whether they are xenia's or not :good:
hi im back haha here is the closest i could get of them as they where taken on my phone

and here is the lil crazy one was always moves and new ones very small ones are growing around him
haha. what should i do about that CUC to that link. they come in a 20 pack and that would be too many wouldnt it and also no turbos
haha. what should i do about that CUC to that link. they come in a 20 pack and that would be too many wouldnt it and also no turbos

Have a look on e bay, do a search for this guy, reeffriendly-2008 He has lots for critters for sale, give him a ring and I'm sure he will be able to put a pack together for you.

I have bought from this chap, he is friendly and helpfull :good:

Truck gave you a good list a few post ago, its a good starting point.
i will add my CUC maybee thursday if i can if i bought from that link there would be too many snails in there wouldnt the and there is no turbos in that pack.

No, you got me wrong, what I said was send a message to them, I did not buy the pack either. Send a message telling them how many of cerith and nassarius you want, they will come back to you with a price that will already have postage and packing included. That was what I did. Pretty reasonable, don't ask how much though, have ordered so much I lost track of what cost what (plus the other half just said use my credit card, so I did).

Most places on the internet that stock Turbos / Astreas / Hermits do not stock or have run out of ceriths and nassarius. By all means have a look, I spent days trying to find some but Seffie said she got hers from ebay so I trawled through ebay for a while looking for them. They did not come up on certain keyword searches, thats why I gave you the link, to save some time.

Hope that is a bit clearer.
i could not get a nirtate test kit today as we where out of stock. also i have no prawns to put in my little crab trap so what other things could i put in there. because i never got my nitrate test i am not going to do the water change yet. however my diatoms are only growing slowly they havent expannded much since i have seen them. is this an indication that there are no nitrates there for the algea to consume therefore the algea isnt growing.

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