Picked up 2 shrimp (sold as amano, but they're not) for the betta tank. They're some sort of caridina species, but exact one no clue. Either way, they're cute. Some neat macro views of them
I had some shrimpy folks over on discord take a look at them, plus also rang them through inaturalist for their suggestions and all agree on caridina sp. No complaint on my end, they're cute regardless. I may have better luck with them than I ever did with neocaridina. I've done fine with ghost shrimp and bamboo shrimp, but have never been successful with neocaridinaI've never kept Amano shrimp, so I have no judgement on your "other" kinds. But I love your close-up pics! Very nice
She does, but the lateral line sort of disguises it. Though, their tank has funky lighting because it's got a lot of floating plants at the moment, casts funny light colorNice pics as always. Your pangio looks like a loach & a half! Extra long & extra chubby! My female pangios had greenish "tummies". Maybe yours does too in different lighting?
They both go in it, but separate times. They enjoy it. I have it angled at the glass on the largest end so that the larger fish can't get inside of it. So cories nor plecos cannot go inside of it, leaving it private just for the apistos to enjoy.I love your "corys" busy feeding & the 3 shy guys in the back. & gee whiz, is that just a "regular" glowlight tetra?!? Wowza!
Peekaboo Mr Apisto! Looks like a breeding cave to me, why doesn't your female see that? Or does she have a different choice staked out?