Got the cabinet done! Yay:
Then, last night, painted the back:
So today it was off to the LFS. 22kg of liverock later... (he was weighing it all as we chose it out of the vat, and there was a big piece I couldn't leave behind, so we ended up with 22kg instead of 20kg.
) yeah, so... 22kg later... we're back at home, the LR is in the tank, with around 13g water. Long story, had an issue with the salt, so thats all we had made up. LOL. Luckily it covers the rock nicely and tomorrow we'll aquascape it and more water will be added.
I had, well no, am
having an issue with my Seio M620's... I've posted in the hardware section... they just don't seem to be moving the water much. I ended up taking them out and putting my 1400lph pump in there and that is moving it around nicely! So, we're heated to 78 ish, and the salinity is 1.023 at the moment. The rock is superb, lots of stuff going on... pictures to follow...
Live rock and 13g water added
Caught a tubeworm? I think thats what they're called... can just see the white tube here, the little bugger popped back in as soon as I got the camera!
Couple more pics to come, need some stuff ID'ing... and we've got dark brown/purple bubbles on some of the rock.. wasn't sure on it, popped some when I picked it up... REALLY hoping it isn't bubble algae...
Bubbles anyone??
This thing, is about erm... 3mm I suppose... creamy with fuzzy on its tip... is it good? bad? or nothing??
A sponge... I think??
Rather impressed at the coralline on this stuff and all the little bits and pieces we found so far. There is definitely a bristle worm somewhere cos the guy who was packing it for us got spines in his thumb!! oops.
So, the LFS guy said we should have the salinity at around 1.020 - 1.022, which he said was what they keep their fish at and if we're buying from there it would help with the acclimating. Is this ok??
Apparently the rock is super fully cured, been there with them for at least a month, certainly looks good, so I'll start testing the water and hopefully, no cycling to do