My 48g Fowlr Journey. 13 Months On...

I said no such thing :shifty: :shifty: :shifty: :lol:

i've had a few phone calls now saying 'just to warn you love, the kitchen's a little 'moist' i'm out at the DIY store now so don't panic' :rolleyes:

yes we did and we we're really pleased with them and it :good:

LMAO aren't men 'fun'?! :D

Great, good to hear about osmotics, ours is sitting in its box at the mo, got no other stuff yet, so no rush!

that's one way of putting it :lol:

If it were my tank, I'd get two Seio M620 powerheads. They each use a mere 18watts of electricity (32 total) compared to the ones you lised at 28watts each (84 total). Longterm they'll save you in energy costs bigtime. Not to mention that they each push 2400lph for 4800lph total. Fantastic pumps, and I wish I had purchased those models when I started up my tank...

As for the skimmer, I hear some great things about the V2's ability to pull dissolved organics but I also hear that a few owners of the skimmer have trouble with noise. I also hear good things about Deltec skimmers. You may want to consider looking through classifieds, ebay, etc and look for a second hand skimmer to save a little $$. Just some food for thought :)

Do you need a skimmer if you have a UV filter???? I'm confused :S :S
If it were my tank, I'd get two Seio M620 powerheads. They each use a mere 18watts of electricity (32 total) compared to the ones you lised at 28watts each (84 total). Longterm they'll save you in energy costs bigtime. Not to mention that they each push 2400lph for 4800lph total. Fantastic pumps, and I wish I had purchased those models when I started up my tank...

As for the skimmer, I hear some great things about the V2's ability to pull dissolved organics but I also hear that a few owners of the skimmer have trouble with noise. I also hear good things about Deltec skimmers. You may want to consider looking through classifieds, ebay, etc and look for a second hand skimmer to save a little $$. Just some food for thought :)

Do you need a skimmer if you have a UV filter???? I'm confused :S :S

I have no idea, what does a UV filter do?
a skimmer is pretty much essential :good:

a UV filter is more of a luxury item, they can be good and definately help if you've got any parasites or diseases in the tank. but I don't think they're essential.

they do a completely different job so having a UV filter doesn't eliminate the need for a skimmer
a skimmer is pretty much essential :good:

a UV filter is more of a luxury item, they can be good and definately help if you've got any parasites or diseases in the tank. but I don't think they're essential.

they do a completely different job so having a UV filter doesn't eliminate the need for a skimmer

Exactly right.
OK, so I've been compiling my shopping list for some time, but as we embark on ACTUALLY spending the cash and buying these things, I'm going to post it, then if anyone spots anything that will be rubbish, they can let me know ;)

As a reminder, I'm going sumpless FOWLR, 40 ukg / 48 usg.

Osmotics 50gpd RO System - already bought*
TMC V2Skim 400 Skimmer
SEIO M620 2400lph Power Heads x 2
T8 Triton 30W Lighting - not planning on corals atm, lighting came with tank*
300w Heater - already got*
200w Heater (backup set couple of degrees lower??)
20lbs Aragonite Sand - only want a thin layer?

20kg STM Ultra Grade Live Rock .... anyone bought this? £230 for what I need, or I could buy the Premium for £190... can't decide...??? help?! LOL

Then theres the basic stuff;

25kg bucket Instant Ocean Marine Salt
Master Test Kit
Digital Thermometer
10g Water Vessel & Powerhead for Mixing (got a 100w heater & overflow alarm ;))

How are we looking?
Looks like you've got all the bases covered :D. I'd just get the "premium" LR if it were my tank. Just make sure you take pics 8)
a skimmer is pretty much essential :good:

a UV filter is more of a luxury item, they can be good and definately help if you've got any parasites or diseases in the tank. but I don't think they're essential.

they do a completely different job so having a UV filter doesn't eliminate the need for a skimmer

Exactly right.

wooo i'm learning!! :D
I love when you realise you know answers to things :)

Update: I visited the LFS today. I am in the process of trying to decide which is the best LFS from 2 that are local... one is an aquatics shop who are well respected for freshwater, but not sure on marine, they've only just set up the marine section.
... the other, have a fab aquatic department with more marine than freshwater - some superb fish, 10ft display tank etc etc, but are new (open for a little over a year) and also sell reptiles, small pets and parrots...

I want to have one place I can trust I suppose, though anything I am told I will double check online anyways!! So, we visited both today, the first one, the petshop was really busy, we looked but couldn't get any attention from staff due to them being with other people... so we left and went to the aquatics shop. There we chatted to a guy who seemed super knowledgable, definitely full of info, showed us pics of his 2 tanks, seemed to knows his stuff. I mentioned that we had only just bought the RO unit and hadn't got any further, and he said an RO unit is a waste of time... he said our local water is (if I remember correctly) DKH - 12, Nitrates - around 5 and PH around 8. He said an RO takes too much stuff out of the water and I will need to add things back?? He said that he uses a water filter to remove some stuff... any idea what kind of water filter he could be talking about??? and that he has never had a problem... any thoughts?

So, we looked at the livestock, all looked great, no dead fish or anything... and I spotted something he told me was a black sea urchin.... I told him we planned on having a pair of clowns, a royal gramma, a firefish goby and a bengaii cardinal and he said the urchin would be fine?? Is he right? More importantly... do they have any special care requirements??

As always, any info or advice would be very much appreciated!!
Yo dont have to replace anything. :no: A good salt brand (most of the major brands available at your specialised SW dealer) have everything you need to replace in the salt mix. RO, standing for reverse osmosis, removes 99%* of impurities from your water (* this will also depend on the type and quality of unit you buy, or your LFS uses). This includes fluoride, Chlorine, Chloramine, Iron, Silica etc etc. That way your left with what is essentially pure water. Adding salt to this, and doing regular water changes will replace any trace element needed by corals or inverts. Many people add ALOT of products to their tank, without even checking if that specific element is being depleted. Dont add what you dont test for, because frequent water changes will replace the majority of the trace elements needed by any animal in your tank.
Been spending this morning!

Osmotics 50gpd RO System
TMC V2Skim 400 Skimmer
SEIO M620 2400lph Power Heads x 2
200w Heater
20lbs Aragonite Sand

20kg STM Ultra Grade Live Rock
25kg bucket Instant Ocean Marine Salt

Master Test Kit
Digital Thermometer
10g Water Vessel & Powerhead for Mixing

I'm going to get the skimmer after I've got my LR, which should be next weekend. Also, I need a test kit... am I best buying a kit containing everything, or separate tests? Is there anything in my freshwater master kit I could use for saltwater?

So, this weekend, hubby will be sorting out the RO unit and we can flush it and all that good stuff. We're umming and arring about whether to buy a replacement tank, because with it being second hand, I'm worried about copper (when we eventually go with corals) and second hand sealed tanks scare me... yeah yeah I know I should have thought about that BEFORE I bought it.... :unsure:
I don't think anything in the API test kits is suitable for saltwater, you need specific ones.

we've not yet found a decent 'master' saltwater kit that has everything. we've just bought seperates

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