My 30gal Journal

Going better than I thought it would, for you lol :shifty: Tis looking good.
You just wait for that wisteria it will shoot up in no time. :good:
A agree with john some foreground plants would make it look better and help prevent algae.
there are a few foreground plants, mainly Crypt Wendtii.

But its all melted in those pics, it goes along the front on the right handside, but its started growing back now. there were actually some foreground plants at the back, which i moved to the front. The java moss is all starting to grow now. :hyper:

But i have lost my camera :(

Tanks for the nice comments :p
Okay, I have completely rescaped the tank. :crazy: Not sure if it is a good thing or not, I don't think it looks as good.

But there is now even more space for new plants :hyper: :hyper:

And I have sorted them all into backgroud, midground and forground plants. Apart from the lillies, they are just anywhere that the bulbs would fit :lol:

But yeah, i have a lot of forground space left, and loads more room for moss. :shifty:

I also got some eleocharis acicularis and 5 more leopard danios yesterday.

I can't take any pics till after x-mas :(
so.. I found my camera... next to the tank :lol:


full tank shot


bog wood


with flash


above view because..... i felt like it.


There is a lily bulb sprouting just behind the bogwood, soon have that ugly ladder covered. :good:








I'll take some photos tomorrow, everything has grown loads! The hairgrass is about 2.5ft-3ft long! :crazy: Cuttings, anyone?
I didn't think it would grow from cuttings. I thought you had to have part to the root part. :blink: I still have so much to learn. :blush:

looks nice :hyper:
well... its like got the flowers on top of it, and then out of the flowers is more stems growing with roots. :crazy: So it's not cuttings is it? :lol: Well.. anyone want some babies? :hyper:

I might go take some pics now. ;)

full tank shot


lilly and zebra snails :D They are soon going to go into my 8gal brackish once they have eaten all my algae :)


Hairgrass. Biiiiiig.


Right hand side of the tank. I hate it. It looks horrible. :(


Right side


Right side, ignore the blob of java moss, i took it off the wood to thin it out. It doesnt seem to do much. Except turn brown. :crazy: I cant believe i cant grow this stuff, haha.




Right hand side again


Trying to show how tall the grass is, didn't work though :lol:






I need a better camera.
...and better camera skills :p
Couldn't resist lol

You think that hairgrass is big?! Wait till the vallis fills out and grows.I just measured one my vallis' leaves and its was 4 1/2 foot!They were annoying me so I trimmed them all ( they have to be trimmed to the stem which is a shame) and plonked them in my 100 gal, hopefully some of the fish will eat them... After I trimmed them the water level drop by 2 inches :S

Looking good though, keep it up.Hope you don't kill my flame moss lol, Its awesome.
If you could slot in a tiny little stem of hygrophila polysperma.I'll grow it on :D Do you want a peice of slate to grow the dwarf riccia on?...I have tons ready for my 270 whenever I get it set up :X
Yeah, I really do need better camera skills :(

4.5ft?!? :crazy: :crazy: Thats almost as tall at my mum....:lol::lol:

I won't killt he moss, haha.... :blush:

Look on the 5th pic, right hand side. That tiny little thing is yours. :lol:

Ohh, and the slate sounds sexy, cheers :D

Cheers for the nice comments :p
looks great mate , my grassy stuff in my tank is about a metre and a half long!

Good pics!!

haha, just found this about the hairgrass:

"Long grass-like stems to about 6 inches (15cm)"

Mines about 24"? :crazy:

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