My 30gal Journal

Oooh, free. My favorite word in the english language :good:

Haha, nah I'm okay mate. Im getting so many new plants soon, I hope. Gunna be hard enough fitting them all in. :crazy:

Cheers, though.

And after what happened last time with your riccia.... :lol:
Sounds like a good xmas list. Have you thought about pressurised CO2? Be much easier to maintain the right level. EC is a good substrate, used it several times with good results.

How big will Syno get?

Sounds like a good xmas list. Have you thought about pressurised CO2? Be much easier to maintain the right level. EC is a good substrate, used it several times with good results.

How big will Syno get?


I think pressurised is a bit too expensive for me :crazy:

Im guessing about 8". If he gets too big, I will put him in the 45gal :good:
I got a complete pressuried CO2 for 75-80quid. Get bits at a time?

I'm struggling to save £15 for the fermentation set, what with x-mas coming up, and I'm saving to go on a school trip to france in the summer. :crazy:
Okay, I put some Tetra-Plant Complete under the sand. It only took 5 hours. :hyper:

I re-scaped it and got rid of a bucketfull of plants. I'm gunna buy this and this. :good:

Can anyone see any problems with the plants there?

I can't wait, haha.

Oh, and I added another c02 system :D
Love the plants!!!!!!!!! I can barely get my amazon sword to grow, let alone all those things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Right hand side


Almost full tank shot




I chopped this all up today, haha. It was becoming really leggy, so i cut all the stems off at the bottoms and replanted them, and cut the tops bits off. It was growing out of the water, it was so tall.
Okay, today i added 115 plants. By added, i mean stuffed in any space i could find.


Full tank shot








Sorry, I'm really bad with cameras, haha. It looks rubbish in there pics, but I think it looks really good, I can't wait for it to fill out. :good:
Nice one man, really padding out there :) cant wait to see more! Whats the stocking list?
Nice one man, really padding out there :) cant wait to see more! Whats the stocking list?

1 reedfish
5 congo tetras
1 synodontis
1 bn plec
5 otos
Chinese hillstream loach
Bumblebee Catfish
3-spot gourami

Kinda mitch and match. I'm hoping to just have platies, the otos, the Chinese hillstream loach, chrry shrimps and the Bumblebee Catfish. :good:
I would separate the stem plants just a tiny bit instead of planting in a big bunch. That way the light will get to the bottoms better. That will probably help the filling out process.
It looks very good. :good:

What are the 2 spotted fish in the front of the pics? Are they corys? They are really pretty!

I can't wait to see how this progresses. :good:
Yep, cories they are. :good:

Thanks, I will seperate them out a bit tomorrow. :good: Dunno how I'm gunna get them all to fit. :blink:

I'm also going to attatch some java moss to the main "branch" on the bogwood. :hyper:

What is the best way of doing this? Just some fishing line?

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