Sorry for the bad pics. Im rubbish with cameras.
Full tank shot, i really dont like the layout at all.
Right side, anuabis nana on some manopi wood.
Middle. Bogwood with some willow leaf.
Dwarf hairgrass, which is REFUSING to grow.
right hand side. I love this bogwood.
Congo tetras. The colours on the males are amazing, this is without flash.
Gourami, it's a miserable beast.
Syno. He's been through the wars, bless him. Well no, his favorite hiding place is too small for him, but he still decides he HAS to go in there, and then scratches himself up
This was during feeding time, my water is normally clear, lol.
Any suggestions? I really wanna start all over again with this tank, put some eco-complete in there. If i did that, though, how long would it take? Could i add water straight after putting the eco-complete in? I'm thinking of getting another Nutrafin C02 system to make it more stable. I might get some more bogwood, take all the plants out and do a proper hardscape, cause I really don't like it at the moment.